February 2025

Feb 17


Flower Ministry

Every Monday, 10am - 11am

Flower Ministry

Leader: Pam Jowers

**Not meeting Monday, September 4th**

This team arranges small bouquets of flowers to give homebound members as they visit them in their homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Arrive at 10:00 AM each Monday to arrange flowers in Room 125, then go together on congregational care visits until around 1:00, and grab lunch together afterward.

(Optional: Team members may take turns buying about $20 of flowers. With the current number of volunteers, it amounts to buying flowers once every 6-8 weeks. This is not a requirement to join the team.)

Pam Jowers   |   (903) 241-2058   |   

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Feb 17


Kickboxing Workout

MON & FRI: 7-8PM

Kickboxing Workout

**No Kickboxing Friday, November 1st**

These FREE workouts are open to the community, so pop in, try it out, and come as you can. Workouts are Monday and Friday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM. Modifications are available, so there's something for every fitness level! No registration necessary. Bring your boxing gloves and mat, or borrow some of ours. We also recommend a water bottle and sweat towel or band. Beginners, seasoned athletes, and everyone in between, come enjoy a fun workout with encouraging people!

Enter the Gym from the side double doors on Guenther Ave.

(Minors must be at least 10 and have a parent/guardian present for the duration of the class.)

Mondays: 7:00-8:00 PM
Fridays: 7:00-8:00 PM

For questions, contact Tricia Jones at .

Or check out the "Virtual Kickboxing with Tricia" Facebook Group.

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Feb 18


Men's Book Study

Every Tuesday, 8am - 9am

Men's Book Study

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Meets Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 AM in Room 122
Please purchase the book beforehand from your vendor of choice
Discussion facilitated by Jim Fielder,


New Book Starting January 7

The Power of Truth in Perilous Times: Pursuing the Knowledge of God in the Midst of Cultural Insanity by Marcus E. Drake, who is also a member of First Baptist.

Real Hope in the Midst of a Culture Gone Awry!

Yes, we live in this kind of culture and world. However, it is clear in the Bible that the more we pursue the knowledge of God, as defined and described in Scripture, and the more we are devoted to him, the more he will work in us and through us during the perilous times in which we live. Therefore, in thinking about the extraordinary impact biblical truth can have on our society, this book focuses on three vitally important areas in the Bible: how God reveals his existence through nature and his Word, how he discloses his character through his attributes and promises, and how he calls his people to seek the knowledge of himself through the fear of the Lord and the bearing of his image.

Thus, the purpose of this book is to lead believers into a deeper understanding of what God is like, a deeper understanding of what he has promised to those who know him, and a deeper understanding of the unshakable hope and strong encouragement we have in God's Word as we live in a confused and deteriorating culture.

Rather than simply decrying the devastating changes in our nation and world, this book clearly proclaims the hope that is ours in the very nature and character of God himself, the identity and security believers have in Christ, and the biblical guidance we need in order to be salt and light in our generation.

A God-centered, truth-loving, Christ-exalting approach to life changes everything!


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Feb 18


Restoring Hope Boutique


Restoring Hope Boutique

First Baptist’s Restoring Hope Boutique provides used clothing at no charge to members of our community who are in need. We have a good selection of clothing and shoes in all sizes for women, men, and children, including infants. We also hope to provide shoes and coats during the winter.

271 S. Santa Clara Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 AM
Holiday Closures: Dec 24, 26, and 31

Sort and organize donations, and help visitors obtain clothes. Spanish-speakers will also be very helpful. Call the church office at (830) 625-9124 to volunteer.

All items should be clean and free of stains, tears, and logos. We are unable to accept underwear, bathing suits, men's suits or jackets, or any dry clean items. 
Donations may be dropped off at the Boutique on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9:00 and 11:00 AM, or left on the porch in weatherproof bags.

Thank you for your donations and your prayers!

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Feb 18


Women's Bible Study - Colossians & Philippians (9:30AM)

Every Tuesday, from 01/28/2025 to 04/29/2025, 9:30am - 11am

Women's Bible Study - Colossians & Philippians (9:30AM)

Leader: Peggy Bales |

Colossians: Rooted in Him, AND
Fighting with Faith: A Study on the Book of Philippians
by The Daily Grace Co.

Sign Up for 9:30AM                 Sign Up for 7:00PM

January 28 - April 29, 2025 (no Bible Study on March 18 due to Spring Break)
Tuesday mornings* from 9:30-11:00 AM in Room 120
$21 Total (pay online, or in office by cash or check)
Books available in the church office Mon-Thur 8:30-4:30.
Facilitated by Peggy Bales,
   *(Tuesday evenings also available from 7:00-8:30 PM)

Colossians: 6 Weeks

Colossians | Rooted In Him is an in-depth 6 week study that goes verse by verse through the book of Colossians. This study is all about Jesus. It points us to who He is, teaches us to follow in His ways, and helps us to see that joy, peace, and contentment are found in Him alone. This study is about being rooted in Jesus and building a life that is all about His glory. Whether you have been studying the Bible your entire life, or this is the first time you have ever studied God's Word, we think this study will encourage your heart and point you to Jesus who satisfies our souls. Each week contains 5 days of study material, including daily study questions, a weekly memory verse, and weekly reflection questions. Special resources within the study:

  • Study Suggestions
  • How to Study the Bible
  • Attributes of God
  • Timeline of Scripture
  • Metanarrative of Scripture

Spring Break - No Study on March 18


Philippians: 4 Weeks

Fighting with Faith is an in-depth, four-week study that goes verse by verse through the book of Philippians. From beginning to end, the book of Philippians speaks to the blessings believers receive from their union with Christ. Paul encourages believers to live lives worthy of the gospel by examining themes of joy, endurance, fellowship, and contentment. This study will fix your eyes on the grace and glory of Christ, and will teach you what it truly means to fight with faith. The book contains daily study material as well as study suggestions and extra features, like word studies, timelines & charts, to help you dig deeper. Each week contains five days of study material, including daily study questions. Each week also has a memory verse day and a weekly reflection day to help dig deeper into Scripture.

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Feb 18


Men's Basketball

Every Tuesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Men's Basketball

Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Gym.

New players welcome, invite a friend! 
Men, ages 15 and up, are welcome.*

For more info, text Ryan Garcia at (210) 562-0247.

*We love families at FBCNB, but the Gym is reserved for men, ages 15 and up, during this time.

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Feb 18


Women's Bible Study - Colossians & Philippians (7:00PM)

Every Tuesday, from 01/28/2025 to 04/29/2025, 7pm - 8:30pm

Women's Bible Study - Colossians & Philippians (7:00PM)

Leader: MeChelle Cavanaugh

Cost: $21.00

Colossians: Rooted in Him, AND
Fighting with Faith: A Study on the Book of Philippians
by The Daily Grace Co.

Sign Up for 7:00PM                Sign Up for 9:30AM

January 28 - April 29, 2025 (no Bible Study on March 18 due to Spring Break)
Tuesday evenings* from 7:00-8:30 PM in Room 120
$21 Total (pay online, or in office by cash or check)
Books available in the church office Mon-Thur 8:30-4:30.
Facilitated by MeChelle Cavanaugh,
   *(Tuesday mornings also available from 9:30-11:00 AM)

Colossians: 6 Weeks

Colossians | Rooted In Him is an in-depth 6 week study that goes verse by verse through the book of Colossians. This study is all about Jesus. It points us to who He is, teaches us to follow in His ways, and helps us to see that joy, peace, and contentment are found in Him alone. This study is about being rooted in Jesus and building a life that is all about His glory. Whether you have been studying the Bible your entire life, or this is the first time you have ever studied God's Word, we think this study will encourage your heart and point you to Jesus who satisfies our souls. Each week contains 5 days of study material, including daily study questions, a weekly memory verse, and weekly reflection questions. Special resources within the study:

  • Study Suggestions
  • How to Study the Bible
  • Attributes of God
  • Timeline of Scripture
  • Metanarrative of Scripture

Spring Break - No Study on March 18

Philippians: 4 Weeks

Fighting with Faith is an in-depth, four-week study that goes verse by verse through the book of Philippians. From beginning to end, the book of Philippians speaks to the blessings believers receive from their union with Christ. Paul encourages believers to live lives worthy of the gospel by examining themes of joy, endurance, fellowship, and contentment. This study will fix your eyes on the grace and glory of Christ, and will teach you what it truly means to fight with faith. The book contains daily study material as well as study suggestions and extra features, like word studies, timelines & charts, to help you dig deeper. Each week contains five days of study material, including daily study questions. Each week also has a memory verse day and a weekly reflection day to help dig deeper into Scripture.

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Feb 19


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 8am - 11:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesday mornings from 8:00-11:30 and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .


Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).

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Feb 19


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 6:30pm

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Thanksgiving Break: November 22
Christmas Break: December 20 & 27

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .




Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).



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Feb 19


Wednesday Supper

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 5:45pm

Wednesday Supper

5:00-5:45 PM
Gym (Please use Main Entrance near Sanctuary. The Gym Entrance is closed for construction.)

All meals include a main entrée, side, fruit salad, green salad, dessert, and drink.
Adult Plate: $7
Child Plate: $5 (Same as adult meal, smaller portions)
Family Max: $27

Please sign up online by the Sunday prior. You may pay online, or by cash, check, or card at the door.


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Feb 19


Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Every Wednesday, 6pm - 7pm

Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Leader: Dr. Brad H. McLean |

All are welcome, no need to sign up.
A walk through various books of the Bible, verse by verse.
Wednesday nights 6:00-7:00 PM in Room 120

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Feb 19


Choir Rehearsal

Every Wednesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Choir Rehearsal

Leader: James Passman |

The Sanctuary Choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Choir Room and teams up with the praise band to lead worship on Sunday mornings. Rehearsal is more than notes and rhythms. It's an opportunity to worship and draw near to God together! Under the direction of Worship Pastor, James Passman, the choir prepares a wide variety of music to include hymn arrangements, choral classics, and adaptations of modern worship choruses. The Sanctuary Choir is a non-auditioned group open to all who want to come and sing.

A love for the Lord and a love for music are the only two requirements. 

Discover more about the Worship Ministry

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Feb 20


Women's Bible Study - Precepts (Genesis Pt 3)

Every Thursday, from 01/16/2025 to 02/20/2025, 9:15am - 11:30am

Women's Bible Study - Precepts (Genesis Pt 3)

Leader: Marcia Dean |

First Baptist Church: 733 Cross Street, New Braunfels, TX US 78130

Cost: $17.00

Genesis - Part 3
Precept Upon Precept by Kay Arthur
January 16 - February 20 (please complete Lesson 1 prior to January 16)
Thursday mornings from 9:15-11:30 in Room 120
Facilitated by Marcia Dean,
$17 (Books are available for pickup in the church office Mon-Thurs, 8:30-4:30)


Genesis, Part 3 - Becoming a Friend of the Faithful God - A Study on Abraham

Abraham was called "the friend of God." What can you learn from him that will ground your faith, challenge your walk, and give you hope for the future?

What You Will Discover

  • Observation: In this third part of our series on Genesis, observe a detailed examination of God's covenant with Abraham, focusing on themes of faith, promise, and blessing as they unfold through the lives of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, and Ishmael.
  • Interpretation: Discover the meaning of Genesis 12-25 in the context of Scripture. 
  • Application: Apply what you're learning to your life as you discover the truth for yourself.

Precept Upon Precept is a Precept Inductive Bible Study which features the Precept Inductive Bible Study Method. Discover Truth for Yourself.


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Feb 21


Prayer Meeting

FRIDAYS, 1:00-2:00 PM

Prayer Meeting

Leader: Roy Daves |

Meet from 1:00-2:00 PM in the Sanctuary each Friday to pray for salvation of the lost, for community outreach, and for our church.

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Feb 23


Library Open

Every Sunday, 8:45am - 9:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .

Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.). 




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Feb 23


Worship & Small Groups

Every Sunday, 9:30am - Noon

Worship & Small Groups


Identical worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

Plan a Visit

Worship Online


Small Groups

Small Group Bible Study for all ages at 9:30 AM



Infants through Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 1-6 check in upstairs at the Stair 2 landing. Use the Children's Entrance, and enter Stair 2 at your immediate right. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 7-12 start in Room 250 and break into small groups from there.

Young Adults

Young Adults ages 18-30 meet in Room 256. (Also available: Fridays at 6:00 PM at 1150 Mountain Laurel Dr, New Braunfels, TX 78132.)


View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adult Groups start with an opening assembly in Rushing Hall before heading to their individual rooms.
9:00 AM - Fellowship Time
9:15-9:25 - A hymn and announcements
9:25-9:30 - Transition to individual rooms
9:30 AM - Small Groups start 

View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

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Feb 23


Hymn Sing

Sunday, February 23

Hymn Sing

Leader: Tom Wideman |

Time: 5pm – 6pm

All generations, all individuals, and all families are welcome to join us at 5:00 PM in Rushing Hall typically on the last Sunday of most months to sing hymns and worship together.

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Feb 28


42 Fun Night

Fourth Friday of the month, 5:15pm - 8:30pm

42 Fun Night

Leader: June Long |

42 is a domino game that is played like a card game with a twist. You'll enjoy a good game and fellowship. We typically meet the fourth Friday of each month, with a few exceptions, from 5:15-8:30 PM in Room 120. Please contact June Long at 830-237-7692 or   so she can organize an even number of players.

Beginners are always welcome and will be taught to play at a beginner's table!


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February 2025

March 2025

Mar 2


Library Open

Every Sunday, 8:45am - 9:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .

Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.). 




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Mar 2


Worship & Small Groups

Every Sunday, 9:30am - Noon

Worship & Small Groups


Identical worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

Plan a Visit

Worship Online


Small Groups

Small Group Bible Study for all ages at 9:30 AM



Infants through Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 1-6 check in upstairs at the Stair 2 landing. Use the Children's Entrance, and enter Stair 2 at your immediate right. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 7-12 start in Room 250 and break into small groups from there.

Young Adults

Young Adults ages 18-30 meet in Room 256. (Also available: Fridays at 6:00 PM at 1150 Mountain Laurel Dr, New Braunfels, TX 78132.)


View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adult Groups start with an opening assembly in Rushing Hall before heading to their individual rooms.
9:00 AM - Fellowship Time
9:15-9:25 - A hymn and announcements
9:25-9:30 - Transition to individual rooms
9:30 AM - Small Groups start 

View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

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Mar 3


Flower Ministry

Every Monday, 10am - 11am

Flower Ministry

Leader: Pam Jowers

**Not meeting Monday, September 4th**

This team arranges small bouquets of flowers to give homebound members as they visit them in their homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Arrive at 10:00 AM each Monday to arrange flowers in Room 125, then go together on congregational care visits until around 1:00, and grab lunch together afterward.

(Optional: Team members may take turns buying about $20 of flowers. With the current number of volunteers, it amounts to buying flowers once every 6-8 weeks. This is not a requirement to join the team.)

Pam Jowers   |   (903) 241-2058   |   

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Mar 3


Prayer at Landa Park

First Mondays at 11AM

Prayer at Landa Park

NEW TIME! Prayer at Landa Park will now meet at 11AM (instead of noon). On the first Monday of each month, we meet at the Founders Oak in Landa Park. Come join us in praying for revival in our nation, our state, our city, and ourselves. Pray for the entire hour, or drop in for a few minutes on your lunch break. Contact Barry Bechtold.


Landa Park Map

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Mar 3


Kickboxing Workout

MON & FRI: 7-8PM

Kickboxing Workout

**No Kickboxing Friday, November 1st**

These FREE workouts are open to the community, so pop in, try it out, and come as you can. Workouts are Monday and Friday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM. Modifications are available, so there's something for every fitness level! No registration necessary. Bring your boxing gloves and mat, or borrow some of ours. We also recommend a water bottle and sweat towel or band. Beginners, seasoned athletes, and everyone in between, come enjoy a fun workout with encouraging people!

Enter the Gym from the side double doors on Guenther Ave.

(Minors must be at least 10 and have a parent/guardian present for the duration of the class.)

Mondays: 7:00-8:00 PM
Fridays: 7:00-8:00 PM

For questions, contact Tricia Jones at .

Or check out the "Virtual Kickboxing with Tricia" Facebook Group.

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Mar 4


Men's Book Study

Every Tuesday, 8am - 9am

Men's Book Study

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Meets Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 AM in Room 122
Please purchase the book beforehand from your vendor of choice
Discussion facilitated by Jim Fielder,


New Book Starting January 7

The Power of Truth in Perilous Times: Pursuing the Knowledge of God in the Midst of Cultural Insanity by Marcus E. Drake, who is also a member of First Baptist.

Real Hope in the Midst of a Culture Gone Awry!

Yes, we live in this kind of culture and world. However, it is clear in the Bible that the more we pursue the knowledge of God, as defined and described in Scripture, and the more we are devoted to him, the more he will work in us and through us during the perilous times in which we live. Therefore, in thinking about the extraordinary impact biblical truth can have on our society, this book focuses on three vitally important areas in the Bible: how God reveals his existence through nature and his Word, how he discloses his character through his attributes and promises, and how he calls his people to seek the knowledge of himself through the fear of the Lord and the bearing of his image.

Thus, the purpose of this book is to lead believers into a deeper understanding of what God is like, a deeper understanding of what he has promised to those who know him, and a deeper understanding of the unshakable hope and strong encouragement we have in God's Word as we live in a confused and deteriorating culture.

Rather than simply decrying the devastating changes in our nation and world, this book clearly proclaims the hope that is ours in the very nature and character of God himself, the identity and security believers have in Christ, and the biblical guidance we need in order to be salt and light in our generation.

A God-centered, truth-loving, Christ-exalting approach to life changes everything!


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Mar 4


Restoring Hope Boutique


Restoring Hope Boutique

First Baptist’s Restoring Hope Boutique provides used clothing at no charge to members of our community who are in need. We have a good selection of clothing and shoes in all sizes for women, men, and children, including infants. We also hope to provide shoes and coats during the winter.

271 S. Santa Clara Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 AM
Holiday Closures: Dec 24, 26, and 31

Sort and organize donations, and help visitors obtain clothes. Spanish-speakers will also be very helpful. Call the church office at (830) 625-9124 to volunteer.

All items should be clean and free of stains, tears, and logos. We are unable to accept underwear, bathing suits, men's suits or jackets, or any dry clean items. 
Donations may be dropped off at the Boutique on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9:00 and 11:00 AM, or left on the porch in weatherproof bags.

Thank you for your donations and your prayers!

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Mar 4


Women's Bible Study - Colossians & Philippians (9:30AM)

Every Tuesday, from 01/28/2025 to 04/29/2025, 9:30am - 11am

Women's Bible Study - Colossians & Philippians (9:30AM)

Leader: Peggy Bales |

Colossians: Rooted in Him, AND
Fighting with Faith: A Study on the Book of Philippians
by The Daily Grace Co.

Sign Up for 9:30AM                 Sign Up for 7:00PM

January 28 - April 29, 2025 (no Bible Study on March 18 due to Spring Break)
Tuesday mornings* from 9:30-11:00 AM in Room 120
$21 Total (pay online, or in office by cash or check)
Books available in the church office Mon-Thur 8:30-4:30.
Facilitated by Peggy Bales,
   *(Tuesday evenings also available from 7:00-8:30 PM)

Colossians: 6 Weeks

Colossians | Rooted In Him is an in-depth 6 week study that goes verse by verse through the book of Colossians. This study is all about Jesus. It points us to who He is, teaches us to follow in His ways, and helps us to see that joy, peace, and contentment are found in Him alone. This study is about being rooted in Jesus and building a life that is all about His glory. Whether you have been studying the Bible your entire life, or this is the first time you have ever studied God's Word, we think this study will encourage your heart and point you to Jesus who satisfies our souls. Each week contains 5 days of study material, including daily study questions, a weekly memory verse, and weekly reflection questions. Special resources within the study:

  • Study Suggestions
  • How to Study the Bible
  • Attributes of God
  • Timeline of Scripture
  • Metanarrative of Scripture

Spring Break - No Study on March 18


Philippians: 4 Weeks

Fighting with Faith is an in-depth, four-week study that goes verse by verse through the book of Philippians. From beginning to end, the book of Philippians speaks to the blessings believers receive from their union with Christ. Paul encourages believers to live lives worthy of the gospel by examining themes of joy, endurance, fellowship, and contentment. This study will fix your eyes on the grace and glory of Christ, and will teach you what it truly means to fight with faith. The book contains daily study material as well as study suggestions and extra features, like word studies, timelines & charts, to help you dig deeper. Each week contains five days of study material, including daily study questions. Each week also has a memory verse day and a weekly reflection day to help dig deeper into Scripture.

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Mar 4


Men's Basketball

Every Tuesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Men's Basketball

Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Gym.

New players welcome, invite a friend! 
Men, ages 15 and up, are welcome.*

For more info, text Ryan Garcia at (210) 562-0247.

*We love families at FBCNB, but the Gym is reserved for men, ages 15 and up, during this time.

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Mar 4


Women's Bible Study - Colossians & Philippians (7:00PM)

Every Tuesday, from 01/28/2025 to 04/29/2025, 7pm - 8:30pm

Women's Bible Study - Colossians & Philippians (7:00PM)

Leader: MeChelle Cavanaugh

Cost: $21.00

Colossians: Rooted in Him, AND
Fighting with Faith: A Study on the Book of Philippians
by The Daily Grace Co.

Sign Up for 7:00PM                Sign Up for 9:30AM

January 28 - April 29, 2025 (no Bible Study on March 18 due to Spring Break)
Tuesday evenings* from 7:00-8:30 PM in Room 120
$21 Total (pay online, or in office by cash or check)
Books available in the church office Mon-Thur 8:30-4:30.
Facilitated by MeChelle Cavanaugh,
   *(Tuesday mornings also available from 9:30-11:00 AM)

Colossians: 6 Weeks

Colossians | Rooted In Him is an in-depth 6 week study that goes verse by verse through the book of Colossians. This study is all about Jesus. It points us to who He is, teaches us to follow in His ways, and helps us to see that joy, peace, and contentment are found in Him alone. This study is about being rooted in Jesus and building a life that is all about His glory. Whether you have been studying the Bible your entire life, or this is the first time you have ever studied God's Word, we think this study will encourage your heart and point you to Jesus who satisfies our souls. Each week contains 5 days of study material, including daily study questions, a weekly memory verse, and weekly reflection questions. Special resources within the study:

  • Study Suggestions
  • How to Study the Bible
  • Attributes of God
  • Timeline of Scripture
  • Metanarrative of Scripture

Spring Break - No Study on March 18

Philippians: 4 Weeks

Fighting with Faith is an in-depth, four-week study that goes verse by verse through the book of Philippians. From beginning to end, the book of Philippians speaks to the blessings believers receive from their union with Christ. Paul encourages believers to live lives worthy of the gospel by examining themes of joy, endurance, fellowship, and contentment. This study will fix your eyes on the grace and glory of Christ, and will teach you what it truly means to fight with faith. The book contains daily study material as well as study suggestions and extra features, like word studies, timelines & charts, to help you dig deeper. Each week contains five days of study material, including daily study questions. Each week also has a memory verse day and a weekly reflection day to help dig deeper into Scripture.

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Mar 5


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 8am - 11:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesday mornings from 8:00-11:30 and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .


Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).

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Mar 5


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 6:30pm

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Thanksgiving Break: November 22
Christmas Break: December 20 & 27

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .




Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).



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Mar 5


Wednesday Supper

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 5:45pm

Wednesday Supper

5:00-5:45 PM
Gym (Please use Main Entrance near Sanctuary. The Gym Entrance is closed for construction.)

All meals include a main entrée, side, fruit salad, green salad, dessert, and drink.
Adult Plate: $7
Child Plate: $5 (Same as adult meal, smaller portions)
Family Max: $27

Please sign up online by the Sunday prior. You may pay online, or by cash, check, or card at the door.


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Mar 5


Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Every Wednesday, 6pm - 7pm

Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Leader: Dr. Brad H. McLean |

All are welcome, no need to sign up.
A walk through various books of the Bible, verse by verse.
Wednesday nights 6:00-7:00 PM in Room 120

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Mar 5


Choir Rehearsal

Every Wednesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Choir Rehearsal

Leader: James Passman |

The Sanctuary Choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Choir Room and teams up with the praise band to lead worship on Sunday mornings. Rehearsal is more than notes and rhythms. It's an opportunity to worship and draw near to God together! Under the direction of Worship Pastor, James Passman, the choir prepares a wide variety of music to include hymn arrangements, choral classics, and adaptations of modern worship choruses. The Sanctuary Choir is a non-auditioned group open to all who want to come and sing.

A love for the Lord and a love for music are the only two requirements. 

Discover more about the Worship Ministry

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Mar 6


Senior Adult Men's Breakfast

First Thursday, from 09/05/2024 to 05/01/2025, 7am - 8am

Senior Adult Men's Breakfast

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Free breakfast, devotional, fellowship, and prayer on the first Thursday of every month (September-May) for men ages 55+, from 7:00-8:00 AM in the Gym. We'll serve biscuits, sausage, gravy, and eggs. Invite a friend! If you're available to help with food prep, room setup, or cleanup, please contact Jim Fielder at   to join the team.

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Mar 7


Prayer Meeting

FRIDAYS, 1:00-2:00 PM

Prayer Meeting

Leader: Roy Daves |

Meet from 1:00-2:00 PM in the Sanctuary each Friday to pray for salvation of the lost, for community outreach, and for our church.

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Mar 11


Ladies' Game Day

Second Tuesday of the month, 2pm - 4pm

Ladies' Game Day

Senior Adult ladies meet on the second Tuesday of each month for some game time and fellowship from 2:00-4:00 PM in Room 120.  (ladies of all ages are invited!)

Feel free to invite a friend, bring your favorite game, or bring a snack to share if you'd like.
Or just bring yourself and have some fun!

For more info, please contact Jackie Morrison at 830-302-6360.

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Mar 13


Senior Adult Luncheon

Second Thursday of the month, Noon - 1:30pm

Senior Adult Luncheon

For adults ages 55+
12:00-1:30 PM in Rushing Hall
Typically the second Thursday of each month (September-May)
All luncheons are free, with the exception of February and December, which are catered banquets for Valentine's Day and Christmas. $10 tickets are available from any Senior Adult Ministry Team member.
Two weeks prior to each luncheon, an attendance signup sheet will be available at the Welcome Center in the Sanctuary foyer. Please sign up as it helps us prepare enough food. We look forward to seeing you there!


2025 Dates

JANUARY 16 (rescheduled due to threat of inclement weather on January 9)
February 13 (catered Valentine Banquet, $10)
March 13
April 10
May 8
September 11
October 9
November 13
December 11 (Catered Christmas Banquet, $10)


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Mar 15


Men's Breakfast

Third Saturday of the month, 7am - 8am

Men's Breakfast

Leader: Lee Byrd |

All men are invited and encouraged to attend this monthly fellowship from 7:00-8:00 AM in the Gym on the third Saturday of each month. We will have a devotional, testimony, praise and worship, and highlight ministry options available. Breakfast will be provided.


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Mar 28


42 Fun Night

Fourth Friday of the month, 5:15pm - 8:30pm

42 Fun Night

Leader: June Long |

42 is a domino game that is played like a card game with a twist. You'll enjoy a good game and fellowship. We typically meet the fourth Friday of each month, with a few exceptions, from 5:15-8:30 PM in Room 120. Please contact June Long at 830-237-7692 or   so she can organize an even number of players.

Beginners are always welcome and will be taught to play at a beginner's table!


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Mar 30


Hymn Sing

Sunday, March 30

Hymn Sing

Leader: Tom Wideman |

Time: 5pm – 6pm

All generations, all individuals, and all families are welcome to join us at 5:00 PM in Rushing Hall typically on the last Sunday of most months to sing hymns and worship together.

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March 2025

April 2025

Apr 1


Men's Book Study

Every Tuesday, 8am - 9am

Men's Book Study

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Meets Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 AM in Room 122
Please purchase the book beforehand from your vendor of choice
Discussion facilitated by Jim Fielder,


New Book Starting January 7

The Power of Truth in Perilous Times: Pursuing the Knowledge of God in the Midst of Cultural Insanity by Marcus E. Drake, who is also a member of First Baptist.

Real Hope in the Midst of a Culture Gone Awry!

Yes, we live in this kind of culture and world. However, it is clear in the Bible that the more we pursue the knowledge of God, as defined and described in Scripture, and the more we are devoted to him, the more he will work in us and through us during the perilous times in which we live. Therefore, in thinking about the extraordinary impact biblical truth can have on our society, this book focuses on three vitally important areas in the Bible: how God reveals his existence through nature and his Word, how he discloses his character through his attributes and promises, and how he calls his people to seek the knowledge of himself through the fear of the Lord and the bearing of his image.

Thus, the purpose of this book is to lead believers into a deeper understanding of what God is like, a deeper understanding of what he has promised to those who know him, and a deeper understanding of the unshakable hope and strong encouragement we have in God's Word as we live in a confused and deteriorating culture.

Rather than simply decrying the devastating changes in our nation and world, this book clearly proclaims the hope that is ours in the very nature and character of God himself, the identity and security believers have in Christ, and the biblical guidance we need in order to be salt and light in our generation.

A God-centered, truth-loving, Christ-exalting approach to life changes everything!


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Apr 1


Restoring Hope Boutique


Restoring Hope Boutique

First Baptist’s Restoring Hope Boutique provides used clothing at no charge to members of our community who are in need. We have a good selection of clothing and shoes in all sizes for women, men, and children, including infants. We also hope to provide shoes and coats during the winter.

271 S. Santa Clara Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 AM
Holiday Closures: Dec 24, 26, and 31

Sort and organize donations, and help visitors obtain clothes. Spanish-speakers will also be very helpful. Call the church office at (830) 625-9124 to volunteer.

All items should be clean and free of stains, tears, and logos. We are unable to accept underwear, bathing suits, men's suits or jackets, or any dry clean items. 
Donations may be dropped off at the Boutique on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9:00 and 11:00 AM, or left on the porch in weatherproof bags.

Thank you for your donations and your prayers!

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Apr 1


Women's Bible Study - Colossians & Philippians (9:30AM)

Every Tuesday, from 01/28/2025 to 04/29/2025, 9:30am - 11am

Women's Bible Study - Colossians & Philippians (9:30AM)

Leader: Peggy Bales |

Colossians: Rooted in Him, AND
Fighting with Faith: A Study on the Book of Philippians
by The Daily Grace Co.

Sign Up for 9:30AM                 Sign Up for 7:00PM

January 28 - April 29, 2025 (no Bible Study on March 18 due to Spring Break)
Tuesday mornings* from 9:30-11:00 AM in Room 120
$21 Total (pay online, or in office by cash or check)
Books available in the church office Mon-Thur 8:30-4:30.
Facilitated by Peggy Bales,
   *(Tuesday evenings also available from 7:00-8:30 PM)

Colossians: 6 Weeks

Colossians | Rooted In Him is an in-depth 6 week study that goes verse by verse through the book of Colossians. This study is all about Jesus. It points us to who He is, teaches us to follow in His ways, and helps us to see that joy, peace, and contentment are found in Him alone. This study is about being rooted in Jesus and building a life that is all about His glory. Whether you have been studying the Bible your entire life, or this is the first time you have ever studied God's Word, we think this study will encourage your heart and point you to Jesus who satisfies our souls. Each week contains 5 days of study material, including daily study questions, a weekly memory verse, and weekly reflection questions. Special resources within the study:

  • Study Suggestions
  • How to Study the Bible
  • Attributes of God
  • Timeline of Scripture
  • Metanarrative of Scripture

Spring Break - No Study on March 18


Philippians: 4 Weeks

Fighting with Faith is an in-depth, four-week study that goes verse by verse through the book of Philippians. From beginning to end, the book of Philippians speaks to the blessings believers receive from their union with Christ. Paul encourages believers to live lives worthy of the gospel by examining themes of joy, endurance, fellowship, and contentment. This study will fix your eyes on the grace and glory of Christ, and will teach you what it truly means to fight with faith. The book contains daily study material as well as study suggestions and extra features, like word studies, timelines & charts, to help you dig deeper. Each week contains five days of study material, including daily study questions. Each week also has a memory verse day and a weekly reflection day to help dig deeper into Scripture.

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Apr 1


Men's Basketball

Every Tuesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Men's Basketball

Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Gym.

New players welcome, invite a friend! 
Men, ages 15 and up, are welcome.*

For more info, text Ryan Garcia at (210) 562-0247.

*We love families at FBCNB, but the Gym is reserved for men, ages 15 and up, during this time.

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Apr 1


Women's Bible Study - Colossians & Philippians (7:00PM)

Every Tuesday, from 01/28/2025 to 04/29/2025, 7pm - 8:30pm

Women's Bible Study - Colossians & Philippians (7:00PM)

Leader: MeChelle Cavanaugh

Cost: $21.00

Colossians: Rooted in Him, AND
Fighting with Faith: A Study on the Book of Philippians
by The Daily Grace Co.

Sign Up for 7:00PM                Sign Up for 9:30AM

January 28 - April 29, 2025 (no Bible Study on March 18 due to Spring Break)
Tuesday evenings* from 7:00-8:30 PM in Room 120
$21 Total (pay online, or in office by cash or check)
Books available in the church office Mon-Thur 8:30-4:30.
Facilitated by MeChelle Cavanaugh,
   *(Tuesday mornings also available from 9:30-11:00 AM)

Colossians: 6 Weeks

Colossians | Rooted In Him is an in-depth 6 week study that goes verse by verse through the book of Colossians. This study is all about Jesus. It points us to who He is, teaches us to follow in His ways, and helps us to see that joy, peace, and contentment are found in Him alone. This study is about being rooted in Jesus and building a life that is all about His glory. Whether you have been studying the Bible your entire life, or this is the first time you have ever studied God's Word, we think this study will encourage your heart and point you to Jesus who satisfies our souls. Each week contains 5 days of study material, including daily study questions, a weekly memory verse, and weekly reflection questions. Special resources within the study:

  • Study Suggestions
  • How to Study the Bible
  • Attributes of God
  • Timeline of Scripture
  • Metanarrative of Scripture

Spring Break - No Study on March 18

Philippians: 4 Weeks

Fighting with Faith is an in-depth, four-week study that goes verse by verse through the book of Philippians. From beginning to end, the book of Philippians speaks to the blessings believers receive from their union with Christ. Paul encourages believers to live lives worthy of the gospel by examining themes of joy, endurance, fellowship, and contentment. This study will fix your eyes on the grace and glory of Christ, and will teach you what it truly means to fight with faith. The book contains daily study material as well as study suggestions and extra features, like word studies, timelines & charts, to help you dig deeper. Each week contains five days of study material, including daily study questions. Each week also has a memory verse day and a weekly reflection day to help dig deeper into Scripture.

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Apr 2


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 8am - 11:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesday mornings from 8:00-11:30 and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .


Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).

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Apr 2


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 6:30pm

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Thanksgiving Break: November 22
Christmas Break: December 20 & 27

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .




Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).



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Apr 2


Wednesday Supper

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 5:45pm

Wednesday Supper

5:00-5:45 PM
Gym (Please use Main Entrance near Sanctuary. The Gym Entrance is closed for construction.)

All meals include a main entrée, side, fruit salad, green salad, dessert, and drink.
Adult Plate: $7
Child Plate: $5 (Same as adult meal, smaller portions)
Family Max: $27

Please sign up online by the Sunday prior. You may pay online, or by cash, check, or card at the door.


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Apr 2


Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Every Wednesday, 6pm - 7pm

Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Leader: Dr. Brad H. McLean |

All are welcome, no need to sign up.
A walk through various books of the Bible, verse by verse.
Wednesday nights 6:00-7:00 PM in Room 120

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Apr 2


Choir Rehearsal

Every Wednesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Choir Rehearsal

Leader: James Passman |

The Sanctuary Choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Choir Room and teams up with the praise band to lead worship on Sunday mornings. Rehearsal is more than notes and rhythms. It's an opportunity to worship and draw near to God together! Under the direction of Worship Pastor, James Passman, the choir prepares a wide variety of music to include hymn arrangements, choral classics, and adaptations of modern worship choruses. The Sanctuary Choir is a non-auditioned group open to all who want to come and sing.

A love for the Lord and a love for music are the only two requirements. 

Discover more about the Worship Ministry

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Apr 3


Senior Adult Men's Breakfast

First Thursday, from 09/05/2024 to 05/01/2025, 7am - 8am

Senior Adult Men's Breakfast

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Free breakfast, devotional, fellowship, and prayer on the first Thursday of every month (September-May) for men ages 55+, from 7:00-8:00 AM in the Gym. We'll serve biscuits, sausage, gravy, and eggs. Invite a friend! If you're available to help with food prep, room setup, or cleanup, please contact Jim Fielder at   to join the team.

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Apr 4


Prayer Meeting

FRIDAYS, 1:00-2:00 PM

Prayer Meeting

Leader: Roy Daves |

Meet from 1:00-2:00 PM in the Sanctuary each Friday to pray for salvation of the lost, for community outreach, and for our church.

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Apr 4


Kickboxing Workout

MON & FRI: 7-8PM

Kickboxing Workout

**No Kickboxing Friday, November 1st**

These FREE workouts are open to the community, so pop in, try it out, and come as you can. Workouts are Monday and Friday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM. Modifications are available, so there's something for every fitness level! No registration necessary. Bring your boxing gloves and mat, or borrow some of ours. We also recommend a water bottle and sweat towel or band. Beginners, seasoned athletes, and everyone in between, come enjoy a fun workout with encouraging people!

Enter the Gym from the side double doors on Guenther Ave.

(Minors must be at least 10 and have a parent/guardian present for the duration of the class.)

Mondays: 7:00-8:00 PM
Fridays: 7:00-8:00 PM

For questions, contact Tricia Jones at .

Or check out the "Virtual Kickboxing with Tricia" Facebook Group.

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Apr 6


Library Open

Every Sunday, 8:45am - 9:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .

Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.). 




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Apr 6


Worship & Small Groups

Every Sunday, 9:30am - Noon

Worship & Small Groups


Identical worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

Plan a Visit

Worship Online


Small Groups

Small Group Bible Study for all ages at 9:30 AM



Infants through Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 1-6 check in upstairs at the Stair 2 landing. Use the Children's Entrance, and enter Stair 2 at your immediate right. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 7-12 start in Room 250 and break into small groups from there.

Young Adults

Young Adults ages 18-30 meet in Room 256. (Also available: Fridays at 6:00 PM at 1150 Mountain Laurel Dr, New Braunfels, TX 78132.)


View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adult Groups start with an opening assembly in Rushing Hall before heading to their individual rooms.
9:00 AM - Fellowship Time
9:15-9:25 - A hymn and announcements
9:25-9:30 - Transition to individual rooms
9:30 AM - Small Groups start 

View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

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Apr 7


Flower Ministry

Every Monday, 10am - 11am

Flower Ministry

Leader: Pam Jowers

**Not meeting Monday, September 4th**

This team arranges small bouquets of flowers to give homebound members as they visit them in their homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Arrive at 10:00 AM each Monday to arrange flowers in Room 125, then go together on congregational care visits until around 1:00, and grab lunch together afterward.

(Optional: Team members may take turns buying about $20 of flowers. With the current number of volunteers, it amounts to buying flowers once every 6-8 weeks. This is not a requirement to join the team.)

Pam Jowers   |   (903) 241-2058   |   

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Apr 7


Prayer at Landa Park

First Mondays at 11AM

Prayer at Landa Park

NEW TIME! Prayer at Landa Park will now meet at 11AM (instead of noon). On the first Monday of each month, we meet at the Founders Oak in Landa Park. Come join us in praying for revival in our nation, our state, our city, and ourselves. Pray for the entire hour, or drop in for a few minutes on your lunch break. Contact Barry Bechtold.


Landa Park Map

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Apr 8


Ladies' Game Day

Second Tuesday of the month, 2pm - 4pm

Ladies' Game Day

Senior Adult ladies meet on the second Tuesday of each month for some game time and fellowship from 2:00-4:00 PM in Room 120.  (ladies of all ages are invited!)

Feel free to invite a friend, bring your favorite game, or bring a snack to share if you'd like.
Or just bring yourself and have some fun!

For more info, please contact Jackie Morrison at 830-302-6360.

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Apr 10


Senior Adult Luncheon

Second Thursday of the month, Noon - 1:30pm

Senior Adult Luncheon

For adults ages 55+
12:00-1:30 PM in Rushing Hall
Typically the second Thursday of each month (September-May)
All luncheons are free, with the exception of February and December, which are catered banquets for Valentine's Day and Christmas. $10 tickets are available from any Senior Adult Ministry Team member.
Two weeks prior to each luncheon, an attendance signup sheet will be available at the Welcome Center in the Sanctuary foyer. Please sign up as it helps us prepare enough food. We look forward to seeing you there!


2025 Dates

JANUARY 16 (rescheduled due to threat of inclement weather on January 9)
February 13 (catered Valentine Banquet, $10)
March 13
April 10
May 8
September 11
October 9
November 13
December 11 (Catered Christmas Banquet, $10)


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Apr 19


Men's Breakfast

Third Saturday of the month, 7am - 8am

Men's Breakfast

Leader: Lee Byrd |

All men are invited and encouraged to attend this monthly fellowship from 7:00-8:00 AM in the Gym on the third Saturday of each month. We will have a devotional, testimony, praise and worship, and highlight ministry options available. Breakfast will be provided.


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Apr 25


42 Fun Night

Fourth Friday of the month, 5:15pm - 8:30pm

42 Fun Night

Leader: June Long |

42 is a domino game that is played like a card game with a twist. You'll enjoy a good game and fellowship. We typically meet the fourth Friday of each month, with a few exceptions, from 5:15-8:30 PM in Room 120. Please contact June Long at 830-237-7692 or   so she can organize an even number of players.

Beginners are always welcome and will be taught to play at a beginner's table!


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Apr 27


Quarterly Member Meeting

Sunday, April 27

Quarterly Member Meeting

Time: 5pm – 6pm

5:00 PM in Rushing Hall

Quarterly Member Meetings are open to any member or prospect. Only members can vote on church business but all are welcome to attend.

At these meetings, we approve new members, answer questions about large projects, share vision and direction for new initiatives, get reports from all the standing committees (missions, finance, personnel, nominating & bylaws), and reports from any ad hoc committees we currently have (i.e. building, search committees, etc...).

All members are highly encouraged to attend, ask questions, and be a part of the conversation.

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April 2025

May 2025

May 1


Senior Adult Men's Breakfast

First Thursday, from 09/05/2024 to 05/01/2025, 7am - 8am

Senior Adult Men's Breakfast

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Free breakfast, devotional, fellowship, and prayer on the first Thursday of every month (September-May) for men ages 55+, from 7:00-8:00 AM in the Gym. We'll serve biscuits, sausage, gravy, and eggs. Invite a friend! If you're available to help with food prep, room setup, or cleanup, please contact Jim Fielder at   to join the team.

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May 1


Restoring Hope Boutique


Restoring Hope Boutique

First Baptist’s Restoring Hope Boutique provides used clothing at no charge to members of our community who are in need. We have a good selection of clothing and shoes in all sizes for women, men, and children, including infants. We also hope to provide shoes and coats during the winter.

271 S. Santa Clara Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 AM
Holiday Closures: Dec 24, 26, and 31

Sort and organize donations, and help visitors obtain clothes. Spanish-speakers will also be very helpful. Call the church office at (830) 625-9124 to volunteer.

All items should be clean and free of stains, tears, and logos. We are unable to accept underwear, bathing suits, men's suits or jackets, or any dry clean items. 
Donations may be dropped off at the Boutique on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9:00 and 11:00 AM, or left on the porch in weatherproof bags.

Thank you for your donations and your prayers!

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May 1


Women's Lunch

Thursday, May 1

Women's Lunch

Leader: Carol Wallrath

Time: Noon – 1pm

Rudy's BBQ: 844 TX-337 Loop, New Braunfels, TX, New Braunfels, TX US 78130

12:00 PM
Looking for friends and a way to connect with like-minded people? Come hang out with other ladies from First Baptist on the first Thursday of each month at Rudy's BBQ! We alternate each month between lunch and dinner:
May 1 - Lunch, 12-1 PM
June 5 - Dinner, 6-7 PM
July 3 - Lunch
Aug 7 - Dinner
Sept 4 - Lunch
Oct 2 - Dinner
Nov 6 - Lunch
Dec 4 - Dinner

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May 2


Prayer Meeting

FRIDAYS, 1:00-2:00 PM

Prayer Meeting

Leader: Roy Daves |

Meet from 1:00-2:00 PM in the Sanctuary each Friday to pray for salvation of the lost, for community outreach, and for our church.

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May 2


Kickboxing Workout

MON & FRI: 7-8PM

Kickboxing Workout

**No Kickboxing Friday, November 1st**

These FREE workouts are open to the community, so pop in, try it out, and come as you can. Workouts are Monday and Friday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM. Modifications are available, so there's something for every fitness level! No registration necessary. Bring your boxing gloves and mat, or borrow some of ours. We also recommend a water bottle and sweat towel or band. Beginners, seasoned athletes, and everyone in between, come enjoy a fun workout with encouraging people!

Enter the Gym from the side double doors on Guenther Ave.

(Minors must be at least 10 and have a parent/guardian present for the duration of the class.)

Mondays: 7:00-8:00 PM
Fridays: 7:00-8:00 PM

For questions, contact Tricia Jones at .

Or check out the "Virtual Kickboxing with Tricia" Facebook Group.

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May 4


Library Open

Every Sunday, 8:45am - 9:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .

Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.). 




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May 4


Worship & Small Groups

Every Sunday, 9:30am - Noon

Worship & Small Groups


Identical worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

Plan a Visit

Worship Online


Small Groups

Small Group Bible Study for all ages at 9:30 AM



Infants through Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 1-6 check in upstairs at the Stair 2 landing. Use the Children's Entrance, and enter Stair 2 at your immediate right. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 7-12 start in Room 250 and break into small groups from there.

Young Adults

Young Adults ages 18-30 meet in Room 256. (Also available: Fridays at 6:00 PM at 1150 Mountain Laurel Dr, New Braunfels, TX 78132.)


View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adult Groups start with an opening assembly in Rushing Hall before heading to their individual rooms.
9:00 AM - Fellowship Time
9:15-9:25 - A hymn and announcements
9:25-9:30 - Transition to individual rooms
9:30 AM - Small Groups start 

View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

More Info Add to Calendar

May 5


Flower Ministry

Every Monday, 10am - 11am

Flower Ministry

Leader: Pam Jowers

**Not meeting Monday, September 4th**

This team arranges small bouquets of flowers to give homebound members as they visit them in their homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Arrive at 10:00 AM each Monday to arrange flowers in Room 125, then go together on congregational care visits until around 1:00, and grab lunch together afterward.

(Optional: Team members may take turns buying about $20 of flowers. With the current number of volunteers, it amounts to buying flowers once every 6-8 weeks. This is not a requirement to join the team.)

Pam Jowers   |   (903) 241-2058   |   

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May 5


Prayer at Landa Park

First Mondays at 11AM

Prayer at Landa Park

NEW TIME! Prayer at Landa Park will now meet at 11AM (instead of noon). On the first Monday of each month, we meet at the Founders Oak in Landa Park. Come join us in praying for revival in our nation, our state, our city, and ourselves. Pray for the entire hour, or drop in for a few minutes on your lunch break. Contact Barry Bechtold.


Landa Park Map

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May 6


Men's Book Study

Every Tuesday, 8am - 9am

Men's Book Study

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Meets Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 AM in Room 122
Please purchase the book beforehand from your vendor of choice
Discussion facilitated by Jim Fielder,


New Book Starting January 7

The Power of Truth in Perilous Times: Pursuing the Knowledge of God in the Midst of Cultural Insanity by Marcus E. Drake, who is also a member of First Baptist.

Real Hope in the Midst of a Culture Gone Awry!

Yes, we live in this kind of culture and world. However, it is clear in the Bible that the more we pursue the knowledge of God, as defined and described in Scripture, and the more we are devoted to him, the more he will work in us and through us during the perilous times in which we live. Therefore, in thinking about the extraordinary impact biblical truth can have on our society, this book focuses on three vitally important areas in the Bible: how God reveals his existence through nature and his Word, how he discloses his character through his attributes and promises, and how he calls his people to seek the knowledge of himself through the fear of the Lord and the bearing of his image.

Thus, the purpose of this book is to lead believers into a deeper understanding of what God is like, a deeper understanding of what he has promised to those who know him, and a deeper understanding of the unshakable hope and strong encouragement we have in God's Word as we live in a confused and deteriorating culture.

Rather than simply decrying the devastating changes in our nation and world, this book clearly proclaims the hope that is ours in the very nature and character of God himself, the identity and security believers have in Christ, and the biblical guidance we need in order to be salt and light in our generation.

A God-centered, truth-loving, Christ-exalting approach to life changes everything!


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May 6


Men's Basketball

Every Tuesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Men's Basketball

Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Gym.

New players welcome, invite a friend! 
Men, ages 15 and up, are welcome.*

For more info, text Ryan Garcia at (210) 562-0247.

*We love families at FBCNB, but the Gym is reserved for men, ages 15 and up, during this time.

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May 7


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 8am - 11:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesday mornings from 8:00-11:30 and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .


Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).

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May 7


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 6:30pm

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Thanksgiving Break: November 22
Christmas Break: December 20 & 27

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .




Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).



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May 7


Wednesday Supper

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 5:45pm

Wednesday Supper

5:00-5:45 PM
Gym (Please use Main Entrance near Sanctuary. The Gym Entrance is closed for construction.)

All meals include a main entrée, side, fruit salad, green salad, dessert, and drink.
Adult Plate: $7
Child Plate: $5 (Same as adult meal, smaller portions)
Family Max: $27

Please sign up online by the Sunday prior. You may pay online, or by cash, check, or card at the door.


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May 7


Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Every Wednesday, 6pm - 7pm

Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Leader: Dr. Brad H. McLean |

All are welcome, no need to sign up.
A walk through various books of the Bible, verse by verse.
Wednesday nights 6:00-7:00 PM in Room 120

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May 7


Choir Rehearsal

Every Wednesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Choir Rehearsal

Leader: James Passman |

The Sanctuary Choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Choir Room and teams up with the praise band to lead worship on Sunday mornings. Rehearsal is more than notes and rhythms. It's an opportunity to worship and draw near to God together! Under the direction of Worship Pastor, James Passman, the choir prepares a wide variety of music to include hymn arrangements, choral classics, and adaptations of modern worship choruses. The Sanctuary Choir is a non-auditioned group open to all who want to come and sing.

A love for the Lord and a love for music are the only two requirements. 

Discover more about the Worship Ministry

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May 8


Senior Adult Luncheon

Second Thursday of the month, Noon - 1:30pm

Senior Adult Luncheon

For adults ages 55+
12:00-1:30 PM in Rushing Hall
Typically the second Thursday of each month (September-May)
All luncheons are free, with the exception of February and December, which are catered banquets for Valentine's Day and Christmas. $10 tickets are available from any Senior Adult Ministry Team member.
Two weeks prior to each luncheon, an attendance signup sheet will be available at the Welcome Center in the Sanctuary foyer. Please sign up as it helps us prepare enough food. We look forward to seeing you there!


2025 Dates

JANUARY 16 (rescheduled due to threat of inclement weather on January 9)
February 13 (catered Valentine Banquet, $10)
March 13
April 10
May 8
September 11
October 9
November 13
December 11 (Catered Christmas Banquet, $10)


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May 13


Ladies' Game Day

Second Tuesday of the month, 2pm - 4pm

Ladies' Game Day

Senior Adult ladies meet on the second Tuesday of each month for some game time and fellowship from 2:00-4:00 PM in Room 120.  (ladies of all ages are invited!)

Feel free to invite a friend, bring your favorite game, or bring a snack to share if you'd like.
Or just bring yourself and have some fun!

For more info, please contact Jackie Morrison at 830-302-6360.

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May 17


Men's Breakfast

Third Saturday of the month, 7am - 8am

Men's Breakfast

Leader: Lee Byrd |

All men are invited and encouraged to attend this monthly fellowship from 7:00-8:00 AM in the Gym on the third Saturday of each month. We will have a devotional, testimony, praise and worship, and highlight ministry options available. Breakfast will be provided.


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May 18


Hymn Sing

Sunday, May 18

Hymn Sing

Leader: Tom Wideman |

Time: 5pm – 6pm

All generations, all individuals, and all families are welcome to join us at 5:00 PM in Rushing Hall typically on the last Sunday of most months to sing hymns and worship together.

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May 23


42 Fun Night

Fourth Friday of the month, 5:15pm - 8:30pm

42 Fun Night

Leader: June Long |

42 is a domino game that is played like a card game with a twist. You'll enjoy a good game and fellowship. We typically meet the fourth Friday of each month, with a few exceptions, from 5:15-8:30 PM in Room 120. Please contact June Long at 830-237-7692 or   so she can organize an even number of players.

Beginners are always welcome and will be taught to play at a beginner's table!


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May 2025

June 2025

Jun 1


Library Open

Every Sunday, 8:45am - 9:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .

Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.). 




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Jun 1


Worship & Small Groups

Every Sunday, 9:30am - Noon

Worship & Small Groups


Identical worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

Plan a Visit

Worship Online


Small Groups

Small Group Bible Study for all ages at 9:30 AM



Infants through Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 1-6 check in upstairs at the Stair 2 landing. Use the Children's Entrance, and enter Stair 2 at your immediate right. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 7-12 start in Room 250 and break into small groups from there.

Young Adults

Young Adults ages 18-30 meet in Room 256. (Also available: Fridays at 6:00 PM at 1150 Mountain Laurel Dr, New Braunfels, TX 78132.)


View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adult Groups start with an opening assembly in Rushing Hall before heading to their individual rooms.
9:00 AM - Fellowship Time
9:15-9:25 - A hymn and announcements
9:25-9:30 - Transition to individual rooms
9:30 AM - Small Groups start 

View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

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Jun 2


Flower Ministry

Every Monday, 10am - 11am

Flower Ministry

Leader: Pam Jowers

**Not meeting Monday, September 4th**

This team arranges small bouquets of flowers to give homebound members as they visit them in their homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Arrive at 10:00 AM each Monday to arrange flowers in Room 125, then go together on congregational care visits until around 1:00, and grab lunch together afterward.

(Optional: Team members may take turns buying about $20 of flowers. With the current number of volunteers, it amounts to buying flowers once every 6-8 weeks. This is not a requirement to join the team.)

Pam Jowers   |   (903) 241-2058   |   

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Jun 2


Prayer at Landa Park

First Mondays at 11AM

Prayer at Landa Park

NEW TIME! Prayer at Landa Park will now meet at 11AM (instead of noon). On the first Monday of each month, we meet at the Founders Oak in Landa Park. Come join us in praying for revival in our nation, our state, our city, and ourselves. Pray for the entire hour, or drop in for a few minutes on your lunch break. Contact Barry Bechtold.


Landa Park Map

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Jun 2


Kickboxing Workout

MON & FRI: 7-8PM

Kickboxing Workout

**No Kickboxing Friday, November 1st**

These FREE workouts are open to the community, so pop in, try it out, and come as you can. Workouts are Monday and Friday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM. Modifications are available, so there's something for every fitness level! No registration necessary. Bring your boxing gloves and mat, or borrow some of ours. We also recommend a water bottle and sweat towel or band. Beginners, seasoned athletes, and everyone in between, come enjoy a fun workout with encouraging people!

Enter the Gym from the side double doors on Guenther Ave.

(Minors must be at least 10 and have a parent/guardian present for the duration of the class.)

Mondays: 7:00-8:00 PM
Fridays: 7:00-8:00 PM

For questions, contact Tricia Jones at .

Or check out the "Virtual Kickboxing with Tricia" Facebook Group.

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Jun 3


Men's Book Study

Every Tuesday, 8am - 9am

Men's Book Study

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Meets Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 AM in Room 122
Please purchase the book beforehand from your vendor of choice
Discussion facilitated by Jim Fielder,


New Book Starting January 7

The Power of Truth in Perilous Times: Pursuing the Knowledge of God in the Midst of Cultural Insanity by Marcus E. Drake, who is also a member of First Baptist.

Real Hope in the Midst of a Culture Gone Awry!

Yes, we live in this kind of culture and world. However, it is clear in the Bible that the more we pursue the knowledge of God, as defined and described in Scripture, and the more we are devoted to him, the more he will work in us and through us during the perilous times in which we live. Therefore, in thinking about the extraordinary impact biblical truth can have on our society, this book focuses on three vitally important areas in the Bible: how God reveals his existence through nature and his Word, how he discloses his character through his attributes and promises, and how he calls his people to seek the knowledge of himself through the fear of the Lord and the bearing of his image.

Thus, the purpose of this book is to lead believers into a deeper understanding of what God is like, a deeper understanding of what he has promised to those who know him, and a deeper understanding of the unshakable hope and strong encouragement we have in God's Word as we live in a confused and deteriorating culture.

Rather than simply decrying the devastating changes in our nation and world, this book clearly proclaims the hope that is ours in the very nature and character of God himself, the identity and security believers have in Christ, and the biblical guidance we need in order to be salt and light in our generation.

A God-centered, truth-loving, Christ-exalting approach to life changes everything!


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Jun 3


Restoring Hope Boutique


Restoring Hope Boutique

First Baptist’s Restoring Hope Boutique provides used clothing at no charge to members of our community who are in need. We have a good selection of clothing and shoes in all sizes for women, men, and children, including infants. We also hope to provide shoes and coats during the winter.

271 S. Santa Clara Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 AM
Holiday Closures: Dec 24, 26, and 31

Sort and organize donations, and help visitors obtain clothes. Spanish-speakers will also be very helpful. Call the church office at (830) 625-9124 to volunteer.

All items should be clean and free of stains, tears, and logos. We are unable to accept underwear, bathing suits, men's suits or jackets, or any dry clean items. 
Donations may be dropped off at the Boutique on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9:00 and 11:00 AM, or left on the porch in weatherproof bags.

Thank you for your donations and your prayers!

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Jun 3


Men's Basketball

Every Tuesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Men's Basketball

Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Gym.

New players welcome, invite a friend! 
Men, ages 15 and up, are welcome.*

For more info, text Ryan Garcia at (210) 562-0247.

*We love families at FBCNB, but the Gym is reserved for men, ages 15 and up, during this time.

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Jun 4


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 8am - 11:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesday mornings from 8:00-11:30 and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .


Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).

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Jun 4


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 6:30pm

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Thanksgiving Break: November 22
Christmas Break: December 20 & 27

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .




Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).



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Jun 4


Wednesday Supper

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 5:45pm

Wednesday Supper

5:00-5:45 PM
Gym (Please use Main Entrance near Sanctuary. The Gym Entrance is closed for construction.)

All meals include a main entrée, side, fruit salad, green salad, dessert, and drink.
Adult Plate: $7
Child Plate: $5 (Same as adult meal, smaller portions)
Family Max: $27

Please sign up online by the Sunday prior. You may pay online, or by cash, check, or card at the door.


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Jun 4


Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Every Wednesday, 6pm - 7pm

Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Leader: Dr. Brad H. McLean |

All are welcome, no need to sign up.
A walk through various books of the Bible, verse by verse.
Wednesday nights 6:00-7:00 PM in Room 120

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Jun 4


Choir Rehearsal

Every Wednesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Choir Rehearsal

Leader: James Passman |

The Sanctuary Choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Choir Room and teams up with the praise band to lead worship on Sunday mornings. Rehearsal is more than notes and rhythms. It's an opportunity to worship and draw near to God together! Under the direction of Worship Pastor, James Passman, the choir prepares a wide variety of music to include hymn arrangements, choral classics, and adaptations of modern worship choruses. The Sanctuary Choir is a non-auditioned group open to all who want to come and sing.

A love for the Lord and a love for music are the only two requirements. 

Discover more about the Worship Ministry

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Jun 6


Prayer Meeting

FRIDAYS, 1:00-2:00 PM

Prayer Meeting

Leader: Roy Daves |

Meet from 1:00-2:00 PM in the Sanctuary each Friday to pray for salvation of the lost, for community outreach, and for our church.

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Jun 10


Ladies' Game Day

Second Tuesday of the month, 2pm - 4pm

Ladies' Game Day

Senior Adult ladies meet on the second Tuesday of each month for some game time and fellowship from 2:00-4:00 PM in Room 120.  (ladies of all ages are invited!)

Feel free to invite a friend, bring your favorite game, or bring a snack to share if you'd like.
Or just bring yourself and have some fun!

For more info, please contact Jackie Morrison at 830-302-6360.

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Jun 21


Men's Breakfast

Third Saturday of the month, 7am - 8am

Men's Breakfast

Leader: Lee Byrd |

All men are invited and encouraged to attend this monthly fellowship from 7:00-8:00 AM in the Gym on the third Saturday of each month. We will have a devotional, testimony, praise and worship, and highlight ministry options available. Breakfast will be provided.


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Jun 27


42 Fun Night

Fourth Friday of the month, 5:15pm - 8:30pm

42 Fun Night

Leader: June Long |

42 is a domino game that is played like a card game with a twist. You'll enjoy a good game and fellowship. We typically meet the fourth Friday of each month, with a few exceptions, from 5:15-8:30 PM in Room 120. Please contact June Long at 830-237-7692 or   so she can organize an even number of players.

Beginners are always welcome and will be taught to play at a beginner's table!


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Jun 29


Hymn Sing

Sunday, June 29

Hymn Sing

Leader: Tom Wideman |

Time: 5pm – 6pm

All generations, all individuals, and all families are welcome to join us at 5:00 PM in Rushing Hall typically on the last Sunday of most months to sing hymns and worship together.

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June 2025

July 2025

Jul 1


Men's Book Study

Every Tuesday, 8am - 9am

Men's Book Study

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Meets Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 AM in Room 122
Please purchase the book beforehand from your vendor of choice
Discussion facilitated by Jim Fielder,


New Book Starting January 7

The Power of Truth in Perilous Times: Pursuing the Knowledge of God in the Midst of Cultural Insanity by Marcus E. Drake, who is also a member of First Baptist.

Real Hope in the Midst of a Culture Gone Awry!

Yes, we live in this kind of culture and world. However, it is clear in the Bible that the more we pursue the knowledge of God, as defined and described in Scripture, and the more we are devoted to him, the more he will work in us and through us during the perilous times in which we live. Therefore, in thinking about the extraordinary impact biblical truth can have on our society, this book focuses on three vitally important areas in the Bible: how God reveals his existence through nature and his Word, how he discloses his character through his attributes and promises, and how he calls his people to seek the knowledge of himself through the fear of the Lord and the bearing of his image.

Thus, the purpose of this book is to lead believers into a deeper understanding of what God is like, a deeper understanding of what he has promised to those who know him, and a deeper understanding of the unshakable hope and strong encouragement we have in God's Word as we live in a confused and deteriorating culture.

Rather than simply decrying the devastating changes in our nation and world, this book clearly proclaims the hope that is ours in the very nature and character of God himself, the identity and security believers have in Christ, and the biblical guidance we need in order to be salt and light in our generation.

A God-centered, truth-loving, Christ-exalting approach to life changes everything!


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Jul 1


Restoring Hope Boutique


Restoring Hope Boutique

First Baptist’s Restoring Hope Boutique provides used clothing at no charge to members of our community who are in need. We have a good selection of clothing and shoes in all sizes for women, men, and children, including infants. We also hope to provide shoes and coats during the winter.

271 S. Santa Clara Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 AM
Holiday Closures: Dec 24, 26, and 31

Sort and organize donations, and help visitors obtain clothes. Spanish-speakers will also be very helpful. Call the church office at (830) 625-9124 to volunteer.

All items should be clean and free of stains, tears, and logos. We are unable to accept underwear, bathing suits, men's suits or jackets, or any dry clean items. 
Donations may be dropped off at the Boutique on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9:00 and 11:00 AM, or left on the porch in weatherproof bags.

Thank you for your donations and your prayers!

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Jul 1


Men's Basketball

Every Tuesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Men's Basketball

Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Gym.

New players welcome, invite a friend! 
Men, ages 15 and up, are welcome.*

For more info, text Ryan Garcia at (210) 562-0247.

*We love families at FBCNB, but the Gym is reserved for men, ages 15 and up, during this time.

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Jul 2


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 8am - 11:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesday mornings from 8:00-11:30 and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .


Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).

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Jul 2


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 6:30pm

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Thanksgiving Break: November 22
Christmas Break: December 20 & 27

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .




Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).



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Jul 2


Wednesday Supper

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 5:45pm

Wednesday Supper

5:00-5:45 PM
Gym (Please use Main Entrance near Sanctuary. The Gym Entrance is closed for construction.)

All meals include a main entrée, side, fruit salad, green salad, dessert, and drink.
Adult Plate: $7
Child Plate: $5 (Same as adult meal, smaller portions)
Family Max: $27

Please sign up online by the Sunday prior. You may pay online, or by cash, check, or card at the door.


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Jul 2


Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Every Wednesday, 6pm - 7pm

Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Leader: Dr. Brad H. McLean |

All are welcome, no need to sign up.
A walk through various books of the Bible, verse by verse.
Wednesday nights 6:00-7:00 PM in Room 120

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Jul 2


Choir Rehearsal

Every Wednesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Choir Rehearsal

Leader: James Passman |

The Sanctuary Choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Choir Room and teams up with the praise band to lead worship on Sunday mornings. Rehearsal is more than notes and rhythms. It's an opportunity to worship and draw near to God together! Under the direction of Worship Pastor, James Passman, the choir prepares a wide variety of music to include hymn arrangements, choral classics, and adaptations of modern worship choruses. The Sanctuary Choir is a non-auditioned group open to all who want to come and sing.

A love for the Lord and a love for music are the only two requirements. 

Discover more about the Worship Ministry

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Jul 4


Prayer Meeting

FRIDAYS, 1:00-2:00 PM

Prayer Meeting

Leader: Roy Daves |

Meet from 1:00-2:00 PM in the Sanctuary each Friday to pray for salvation of the lost, for community outreach, and for our church.

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Jul 4


Kickboxing Workout

MON & FRI: 7-8PM

Kickboxing Workout

**No Kickboxing Friday, November 1st**

These FREE workouts are open to the community, so pop in, try it out, and come as you can. Workouts are Monday and Friday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM. Modifications are available, so there's something for every fitness level! No registration necessary. Bring your boxing gloves and mat, or borrow some of ours. We also recommend a water bottle and sweat towel or band. Beginners, seasoned athletes, and everyone in between, come enjoy a fun workout with encouraging people!

Enter the Gym from the side double doors on Guenther Ave.

(Minors must be at least 10 and have a parent/guardian present for the duration of the class.)

Mondays: 7:00-8:00 PM
Fridays: 7:00-8:00 PM

For questions, contact Tricia Jones at .

Or check out the "Virtual Kickboxing with Tricia" Facebook Group.

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Jul 6


Library Open

Every Sunday, 8:45am - 9:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .

Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.). 




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Jul 6


Worship & Small Groups

Every Sunday, 9:30am - Noon

Worship & Small Groups


Identical worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

Plan a Visit

Worship Online


Small Groups

Small Group Bible Study for all ages at 9:30 AM



Infants through Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 1-6 check in upstairs at the Stair 2 landing. Use the Children's Entrance, and enter Stair 2 at your immediate right. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 7-12 start in Room 250 and break into small groups from there.

Young Adults

Young Adults ages 18-30 meet in Room 256. (Also available: Fridays at 6:00 PM at 1150 Mountain Laurel Dr, New Braunfels, TX 78132.)


View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adult Groups start with an opening assembly in Rushing Hall before heading to their individual rooms.
9:00 AM - Fellowship Time
9:15-9:25 - A hymn and announcements
9:25-9:30 - Transition to individual rooms
9:30 AM - Small Groups start 

View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

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Jul 7


Flower Ministry

Every Monday, 10am - 11am

Flower Ministry

Leader: Pam Jowers

**Not meeting Monday, September 4th**

This team arranges small bouquets of flowers to give homebound members as they visit them in their homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Arrive at 10:00 AM each Monday to arrange flowers in Room 125, then go together on congregational care visits until around 1:00, and grab lunch together afterward.

(Optional: Team members may take turns buying about $20 of flowers. With the current number of volunteers, it amounts to buying flowers once every 6-8 weeks. This is not a requirement to join the team.)

Pam Jowers   |   (903) 241-2058   |   

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Jul 7


Prayer at Landa Park

First Mondays at 11AM

Prayer at Landa Park

NEW TIME! Prayer at Landa Park will now meet at 11AM (instead of noon). On the first Monday of each month, we meet at the Founders Oak in Landa Park. Come join us in praying for revival in our nation, our state, our city, and ourselves. Pray for the entire hour, or drop in for a few minutes on your lunch break. Contact Barry Bechtold.


Landa Park Map

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Jul 8


Ladies' Game Day

Second Tuesday of the month, 2pm - 4pm

Ladies' Game Day

Senior Adult ladies meet on the second Tuesday of each month for some game time and fellowship from 2:00-4:00 PM in Room 120.  (ladies of all ages are invited!)

Feel free to invite a friend, bring your favorite game, or bring a snack to share if you'd like.
Or just bring yourself and have some fun!

For more info, please contact Jackie Morrison at 830-302-6360.

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Jul 19


Men's Breakfast

Third Saturday of the month, 7am - 8am

Men's Breakfast

Leader: Lee Byrd |

All men are invited and encouraged to attend this monthly fellowship from 7:00-8:00 AM in the Gym on the third Saturday of each month. We will have a devotional, testimony, praise and worship, and highlight ministry options available. Breakfast will be provided.


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Jul 25


42 Fun Night

Fourth Friday of the month, 5:15pm - 8:30pm

42 Fun Night

Leader: June Long |

42 is a domino game that is played like a card game with a twist. You'll enjoy a good game and fellowship. We typically meet the fourth Friday of each month, with a few exceptions, from 5:15-8:30 PM in Room 120. Please contact June Long at 830-237-7692 or   so she can organize an even number of players.

Beginners are always welcome and will be taught to play at a beginner's table!


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Jul 27


Quarterly Member Meeting

Sunday, July 27

Quarterly Member Meeting

Time: 5pm – 6pm

5:00 PM in Rushing Hall

Quarterly Member Meetings are open to any member or prospect. Only members can vote on church business but all are welcome to attend.

At these meetings, we approve new members, answer questions about large projects, share vision and direction for new initiatives, get reports from all the standing committees (missions, finance, personnel, nominating & bylaws), and reports from any ad hoc committees we currently have (i.e. building, search committees, etc...).

All members are highly encouraged to attend, ask questions, and be a part of the conversation.

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July 2025

August 2025

Aug 1


Prayer Meeting

FRIDAYS, 1:00-2:00 PM

Prayer Meeting

Leader: Roy Daves |

Meet from 1:00-2:00 PM in the Sanctuary each Friday to pray for salvation of the lost, for community outreach, and for our church.

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Aug 1


Kickboxing Workout

MON & FRI: 7-8PM

Kickboxing Workout

**No Kickboxing Friday, November 1st**

These FREE workouts are open to the community, so pop in, try it out, and come as you can. Workouts are Monday and Friday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM. Modifications are available, so there's something for every fitness level! No registration necessary. Bring your boxing gloves and mat, or borrow some of ours. We also recommend a water bottle and sweat towel or band. Beginners, seasoned athletes, and everyone in between, come enjoy a fun workout with encouraging people!

Enter the Gym from the side double doors on Guenther Ave.

(Minors must be at least 10 and have a parent/guardian present for the duration of the class.)

Mondays: 7:00-8:00 PM
Fridays: 7:00-8:00 PM

For questions, contact Tricia Jones at .

Or check out the "Virtual Kickboxing with Tricia" Facebook Group.

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Aug 3


Library Open

Every Sunday, 8:45am - 9:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .

Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.). 




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Aug 3


Worship & Small Groups

Every Sunday, 9:30am - Noon

Worship & Small Groups


Identical worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

Plan a Visit

Worship Online


Small Groups

Small Group Bible Study for all ages at 9:30 AM



Infants through Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 1-6 check in upstairs at the Stair 2 landing. Use the Children's Entrance, and enter Stair 2 at your immediate right. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 7-12 start in Room 250 and break into small groups from there.

Young Adults

Young Adults ages 18-30 meet in Room 256. (Also available: Fridays at 6:00 PM at 1150 Mountain Laurel Dr, New Braunfels, TX 78132.)


View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adult Groups start with an opening assembly in Rushing Hall before heading to their individual rooms.
9:00 AM - Fellowship Time
9:15-9:25 - A hymn and announcements
9:25-9:30 - Transition to individual rooms
9:30 AM - Small Groups start 

View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

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Aug 4


Flower Ministry

Every Monday, 10am - 11am

Flower Ministry

Leader: Pam Jowers

**Not meeting Monday, September 4th**

This team arranges small bouquets of flowers to give homebound members as they visit them in their homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Arrive at 10:00 AM each Monday to arrange flowers in Room 125, then go together on congregational care visits until around 1:00, and grab lunch together afterward.

(Optional: Team members may take turns buying about $20 of flowers. With the current number of volunteers, it amounts to buying flowers once every 6-8 weeks. This is not a requirement to join the team.)

Pam Jowers   |   (903) 241-2058   |   

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Aug 4


Prayer at Landa Park

First Mondays at 11AM

Prayer at Landa Park

NEW TIME! Prayer at Landa Park will now meet at 11AM (instead of noon). On the first Monday of each month, we meet at the Founders Oak in Landa Park. Come join us in praying for revival in our nation, our state, our city, and ourselves. Pray for the entire hour, or drop in for a few minutes on your lunch break. Contact Barry Bechtold.


Landa Park Map

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Aug 5


Men's Book Study

Every Tuesday, 8am - 9am

Men's Book Study

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Meets Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 AM in Room 122
Please purchase the book beforehand from your vendor of choice
Discussion facilitated by Jim Fielder,


New Book Starting January 7

The Power of Truth in Perilous Times: Pursuing the Knowledge of God in the Midst of Cultural Insanity by Marcus E. Drake, who is also a member of First Baptist.

Real Hope in the Midst of a Culture Gone Awry!

Yes, we live in this kind of culture and world. However, it is clear in the Bible that the more we pursue the knowledge of God, as defined and described in Scripture, and the more we are devoted to him, the more he will work in us and through us during the perilous times in which we live. Therefore, in thinking about the extraordinary impact biblical truth can have on our society, this book focuses on three vitally important areas in the Bible: how God reveals his existence through nature and his Word, how he discloses his character through his attributes and promises, and how he calls his people to seek the knowledge of himself through the fear of the Lord and the bearing of his image.

Thus, the purpose of this book is to lead believers into a deeper understanding of what God is like, a deeper understanding of what he has promised to those who know him, and a deeper understanding of the unshakable hope and strong encouragement we have in God's Word as we live in a confused and deteriorating culture.

Rather than simply decrying the devastating changes in our nation and world, this book clearly proclaims the hope that is ours in the very nature and character of God himself, the identity and security believers have in Christ, and the biblical guidance we need in order to be salt and light in our generation.

A God-centered, truth-loving, Christ-exalting approach to life changes everything!


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Aug 5


Restoring Hope Boutique


Restoring Hope Boutique

First Baptist’s Restoring Hope Boutique provides used clothing at no charge to members of our community who are in need. We have a good selection of clothing and shoes in all sizes for women, men, and children, including infants. We also hope to provide shoes and coats during the winter.

271 S. Santa Clara Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 AM
Holiday Closures: Dec 24, 26, and 31

Sort and organize donations, and help visitors obtain clothes. Spanish-speakers will also be very helpful. Call the church office at (830) 625-9124 to volunteer.

All items should be clean and free of stains, tears, and logos. We are unable to accept underwear, bathing suits, men's suits or jackets, or any dry clean items. 
Donations may be dropped off at the Boutique on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9:00 and 11:00 AM, or left on the porch in weatherproof bags.

Thank you for your donations and your prayers!

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Aug 5


Men's Basketball

Every Tuesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Men's Basketball

Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Gym.

New players welcome, invite a friend! 
Men, ages 15 and up, are welcome.*

For more info, text Ryan Garcia at (210) 562-0247.

*We love families at FBCNB, but the Gym is reserved for men, ages 15 and up, during this time.

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Aug 6


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 8am - 11:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesday mornings from 8:00-11:30 and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .


Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).

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Aug 6


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 6:30pm

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Thanksgiving Break: November 22
Christmas Break: December 20 & 27

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .




Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).



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Aug 6


Wednesday Supper

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 5:45pm

Wednesday Supper

5:00-5:45 PM
Gym (Please use Main Entrance near Sanctuary. The Gym Entrance is closed for construction.)

All meals include a main entrée, side, fruit salad, green salad, dessert, and drink.
Adult Plate: $7
Child Plate: $5 (Same as adult meal, smaller portions)
Family Max: $27

Please sign up online by the Sunday prior. You may pay online, or by cash, check, or card at the door.


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Aug 6


Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Every Wednesday, 6pm - 7pm

Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Leader: Dr. Brad H. McLean |

All are welcome, no need to sign up.
A walk through various books of the Bible, verse by verse.
Wednesday nights 6:00-7:00 PM in Room 120

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Aug 6


Choir Rehearsal

Every Wednesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Choir Rehearsal

Leader: James Passman |

The Sanctuary Choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Choir Room and teams up with the praise band to lead worship on Sunday mornings. Rehearsal is more than notes and rhythms. It's an opportunity to worship and draw near to God together! Under the direction of Worship Pastor, James Passman, the choir prepares a wide variety of music to include hymn arrangements, choral classics, and adaptations of modern worship choruses. The Sanctuary Choir is a non-auditioned group open to all who want to come and sing.

A love for the Lord and a love for music are the only two requirements. 

Discover more about the Worship Ministry

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Aug 12


Ladies' Game Day

Second Tuesday of the month, 2pm - 4pm

Ladies' Game Day

Senior Adult ladies meet on the second Tuesday of each month for some game time and fellowship from 2:00-4:00 PM in Room 120.  (ladies of all ages are invited!)

Feel free to invite a friend, bring your favorite game, or bring a snack to share if you'd like.
Or just bring yourself and have some fun!

For more info, please contact Jackie Morrison at 830-302-6360.

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Aug 16


Men's Breakfast

Third Saturday of the month, 7am - 8am

Men's Breakfast

Leader: Lee Byrd |

All men are invited and encouraged to attend this monthly fellowship from 7:00-8:00 AM in the Gym on the third Saturday of each month. We will have a devotional, testimony, praise and worship, and highlight ministry options available. Breakfast will be provided.


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Aug 22


42 Fun Night

Fourth Friday of the month, 5:15pm - 8:30pm

42 Fun Night

Leader: June Long |

42 is a domino game that is played like a card game with a twist. You'll enjoy a good game and fellowship. We typically meet the fourth Friday of each month, with a few exceptions, from 5:15-8:30 PM in Room 120. Please contact June Long at 830-237-7692 or   so she can organize an even number of players.

Beginners are always welcome and will be taught to play at a beginner's table!


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August 2025

September 2025

Sep 1


Flower Ministry

Every Monday, 10am - 11am

Flower Ministry

Leader: Pam Jowers

**Not meeting Monday, September 4th**

This team arranges small bouquets of flowers to give homebound members as they visit them in their homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Arrive at 10:00 AM each Monday to arrange flowers in Room 125, then go together on congregational care visits until around 1:00, and grab lunch together afterward.

(Optional: Team members may take turns buying about $20 of flowers. With the current number of volunteers, it amounts to buying flowers once every 6-8 weeks. This is not a requirement to join the team.)

Pam Jowers   |   (903) 241-2058   |   

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Sep 1


Prayer at Landa Park

First Mondays at 11AM

Prayer at Landa Park

NEW TIME! Prayer at Landa Park will now meet at 11AM (instead of noon). On the first Monday of each month, we meet at the Founders Oak in Landa Park. Come join us in praying for revival in our nation, our state, our city, and ourselves. Pray for the entire hour, or drop in for a few minutes on your lunch break. Contact Barry Bechtold.


Landa Park Map

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Sep 1


Kickboxing Workout

MON & FRI: 7-8PM

Kickboxing Workout

**No Kickboxing Friday, November 1st**

These FREE workouts are open to the community, so pop in, try it out, and come as you can. Workouts are Monday and Friday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM. Modifications are available, so there's something for every fitness level! No registration necessary. Bring your boxing gloves and mat, or borrow some of ours. We also recommend a water bottle and sweat towel or band. Beginners, seasoned athletes, and everyone in between, come enjoy a fun workout with encouraging people!

Enter the Gym from the side double doors on Guenther Ave.

(Minors must be at least 10 and have a parent/guardian present for the duration of the class.)

Mondays: 7:00-8:00 PM
Fridays: 7:00-8:00 PM

For questions, contact Tricia Jones at .

Or check out the "Virtual Kickboxing with Tricia" Facebook Group.

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Sep 2


Men's Book Study

Every Tuesday, 8am - 9am

Men's Book Study

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Meets Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 AM in Room 122
Please purchase the book beforehand from your vendor of choice
Discussion facilitated by Jim Fielder,


New Book Starting January 7

The Power of Truth in Perilous Times: Pursuing the Knowledge of God in the Midst of Cultural Insanity by Marcus E. Drake, who is also a member of First Baptist.

Real Hope in the Midst of a Culture Gone Awry!

Yes, we live in this kind of culture and world. However, it is clear in the Bible that the more we pursue the knowledge of God, as defined and described in Scripture, and the more we are devoted to him, the more he will work in us and through us during the perilous times in which we live. Therefore, in thinking about the extraordinary impact biblical truth can have on our society, this book focuses on three vitally important areas in the Bible: how God reveals his existence through nature and his Word, how he discloses his character through his attributes and promises, and how he calls his people to seek the knowledge of himself through the fear of the Lord and the bearing of his image.

Thus, the purpose of this book is to lead believers into a deeper understanding of what God is like, a deeper understanding of what he has promised to those who know him, and a deeper understanding of the unshakable hope and strong encouragement we have in God's Word as we live in a confused and deteriorating culture.

Rather than simply decrying the devastating changes in our nation and world, this book clearly proclaims the hope that is ours in the very nature and character of God himself, the identity and security believers have in Christ, and the biblical guidance we need in order to be salt and light in our generation.

A God-centered, truth-loving, Christ-exalting approach to life changes everything!


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Sep 2


Restoring Hope Boutique


Restoring Hope Boutique

First Baptist’s Restoring Hope Boutique provides used clothing at no charge to members of our community who are in need. We have a good selection of clothing and shoes in all sizes for women, men, and children, including infants. We also hope to provide shoes and coats during the winter.

271 S. Santa Clara Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 AM
Holiday Closures: Dec 24, 26, and 31

Sort and organize donations, and help visitors obtain clothes. Spanish-speakers will also be very helpful. Call the church office at (830) 625-9124 to volunteer.

All items should be clean and free of stains, tears, and logos. We are unable to accept underwear, bathing suits, men's suits or jackets, or any dry clean items. 
Donations may be dropped off at the Boutique on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9:00 and 11:00 AM, or left on the porch in weatherproof bags.

Thank you for your donations and your prayers!

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Sep 2


Men's Basketball

Every Tuesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Men's Basketball

Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Gym.

New players welcome, invite a friend! 
Men, ages 15 and up, are welcome.*

For more info, text Ryan Garcia at (210) 562-0247.

*We love families at FBCNB, but the Gym is reserved for men, ages 15 and up, during this time.

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Sep 3


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 8am - 11:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesday mornings from 8:00-11:30 and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .


Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).

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Sep 3


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 6:30pm

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Thanksgiving Break: November 22
Christmas Break: December 20 & 27

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .




Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).



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Sep 3


Wednesday Supper

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 5:45pm

Wednesday Supper

5:00-5:45 PM
Gym (Please use Main Entrance near Sanctuary. The Gym Entrance is closed for construction.)

All meals include a main entrée, side, fruit salad, green salad, dessert, and drink.
Adult Plate: $7
Child Plate: $5 (Same as adult meal, smaller portions)
Family Max: $27

Please sign up online by the Sunday prior. You may pay online, or by cash, check, or card at the door.


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Sep 3


Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Every Wednesday, 6pm - 7pm

Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Leader: Dr. Brad H. McLean |

All are welcome, no need to sign up.
A walk through various books of the Bible, verse by verse.
Wednesday nights 6:00-7:00 PM in Room 120

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Sep 3


Choir Rehearsal

Every Wednesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Choir Rehearsal

Leader: James Passman |

The Sanctuary Choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Choir Room and teams up with the praise band to lead worship on Sunday mornings. Rehearsal is more than notes and rhythms. It's an opportunity to worship and draw near to God together! Under the direction of Worship Pastor, James Passman, the choir prepares a wide variety of music to include hymn arrangements, choral classics, and adaptations of modern worship choruses. The Sanctuary Choir is a non-auditioned group open to all who want to come and sing.

A love for the Lord and a love for music are the only two requirements. 

Discover more about the Worship Ministry

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Sep 5


Prayer Meeting

FRIDAYS, 1:00-2:00 PM

Prayer Meeting

Leader: Roy Daves |

Meet from 1:00-2:00 PM in the Sanctuary each Friday to pray for salvation of the lost, for community outreach, and for our church.

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Sep 7


Library Open

Every Sunday, 8:45am - 9:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .

Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.). 




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Sep 7


Worship & Small Groups

Every Sunday, 9:30am - Noon

Worship & Small Groups


Identical worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

Plan a Visit

Worship Online


Small Groups

Small Group Bible Study for all ages at 9:30 AM



Infants through Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 1-6 check in upstairs at the Stair 2 landing. Use the Children's Entrance, and enter Stair 2 at your immediate right. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 7-12 start in Room 250 and break into small groups from there.

Young Adults

Young Adults ages 18-30 meet in Room 256. (Also available: Fridays at 6:00 PM at 1150 Mountain Laurel Dr, New Braunfels, TX 78132.)


View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adult Groups start with an opening assembly in Rushing Hall before heading to their individual rooms.
9:00 AM - Fellowship Time
9:15-9:25 - A hymn and announcements
9:25-9:30 - Transition to individual rooms
9:30 AM - Small Groups start 

View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

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Sep 9


Ladies' Game Day

Second Tuesday of the month, 2pm - 4pm

Ladies' Game Day

Senior Adult ladies meet on the second Tuesday of each month for some game time and fellowship from 2:00-4:00 PM in Room 120.  (ladies of all ages are invited!)

Feel free to invite a friend, bring your favorite game, or bring a snack to share if you'd like.
Or just bring yourself and have some fun!

For more info, please contact Jackie Morrison at 830-302-6360.

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Sep 11


Senior Adult Luncheon

Second Thursday of the month, Noon - 1:30pm

Senior Adult Luncheon

For adults ages 55+
12:00-1:30 PM in Rushing Hall
Typically the second Thursday of each month (September-May)
All luncheons are free, with the exception of February and December, which are catered banquets for Valentine's Day and Christmas. $10 tickets are available from any Senior Adult Ministry Team member.
Two weeks prior to each luncheon, an attendance signup sheet will be available at the Welcome Center in the Sanctuary foyer. Please sign up as it helps us prepare enough food. We look forward to seeing you there!


2025 Dates

JANUARY 16 (rescheduled due to threat of inclement weather on January 9)
February 13 (catered Valentine Banquet, $10)
March 13
April 10
May 8
September 11
October 9
November 13
December 11 (Catered Christmas Banquet, $10)


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Sep 20


Men's Breakfast

Third Saturday of the month, 7am - 8am

Men's Breakfast

Leader: Lee Byrd |

All men are invited and encouraged to attend this monthly fellowship from 7:00-8:00 AM in the Gym on the third Saturday of each month. We will have a devotional, testimony, praise and worship, and highlight ministry options available. Breakfast will be provided.


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Sep 26


42 Fun Night

Fourth Friday of the month, 5:15pm - 8:30pm

42 Fun Night

Leader: June Long |

42 is a domino game that is played like a card game with a twist. You'll enjoy a good game and fellowship. We typically meet the fourth Friday of each month, with a few exceptions, from 5:15-8:30 PM in Room 120. Please contact June Long at 830-237-7692 or   so she can organize an even number of players.

Beginners are always welcome and will be taught to play at a beginner's table!


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September 2025

October 2025

Oct 1


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 8am - 11:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesday mornings from 8:00-11:30 and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .


Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).

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Oct 1


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 6:30pm

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Thanksgiving Break: November 22
Christmas Break: December 20 & 27

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .




Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).



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Oct 1


Wednesday Supper

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 5:45pm

Wednesday Supper

5:00-5:45 PM
Gym (Please use Main Entrance near Sanctuary. The Gym Entrance is closed for construction.)

All meals include a main entrée, side, fruit salad, green salad, dessert, and drink.
Adult Plate: $7
Child Plate: $5 (Same as adult meal, smaller portions)
Family Max: $27

Please sign up online by the Sunday prior. You may pay online, or by cash, check, or card at the door.


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Oct 1


Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Every Wednesday, 6pm - 7pm

Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Leader: Dr. Brad H. McLean |

All are welcome, no need to sign up.
A walk through various books of the Bible, verse by verse.
Wednesday nights 6:00-7:00 PM in Room 120

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Oct 1


Choir Rehearsal

Every Wednesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Choir Rehearsal

Leader: James Passman |

The Sanctuary Choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Choir Room and teams up with the praise band to lead worship on Sunday mornings. Rehearsal is more than notes and rhythms. It's an opportunity to worship and draw near to God together! Under the direction of Worship Pastor, James Passman, the choir prepares a wide variety of music to include hymn arrangements, choral classics, and adaptations of modern worship choruses. The Sanctuary Choir is a non-auditioned group open to all who want to come and sing.

A love for the Lord and a love for music are the only two requirements. 

Discover more about the Worship Ministry

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Oct 2


Restoring Hope Boutique


Restoring Hope Boutique

First Baptist’s Restoring Hope Boutique provides used clothing at no charge to members of our community who are in need. We have a good selection of clothing and shoes in all sizes for women, men, and children, including infants. We also hope to provide shoes and coats during the winter.

271 S. Santa Clara Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 AM
Holiday Closures: Dec 24, 26, and 31

Sort and organize donations, and help visitors obtain clothes. Spanish-speakers will also be very helpful. Call the church office at (830) 625-9124 to volunteer.

All items should be clean and free of stains, tears, and logos. We are unable to accept underwear, bathing suits, men's suits or jackets, or any dry clean items. 
Donations may be dropped off at the Boutique on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9:00 and 11:00 AM, or left on the porch in weatherproof bags.

Thank you for your donations and your prayers!

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Oct 3


Prayer Meeting

FRIDAYS, 1:00-2:00 PM

Prayer Meeting

Leader: Roy Daves |

Meet from 1:00-2:00 PM in the Sanctuary each Friday to pray for salvation of the lost, for community outreach, and for our church.

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Oct 3


Kickboxing Workout

MON & FRI: 7-8PM

Kickboxing Workout

**No Kickboxing Friday, November 1st**

These FREE workouts are open to the community, so pop in, try it out, and come as you can. Workouts are Monday and Friday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM. Modifications are available, so there's something for every fitness level! No registration necessary. Bring your boxing gloves and mat, or borrow some of ours. We also recommend a water bottle and sweat towel or band. Beginners, seasoned athletes, and everyone in between, come enjoy a fun workout with encouraging people!

Enter the Gym from the side double doors on Guenther Ave.

(Minors must be at least 10 and have a parent/guardian present for the duration of the class.)

Mondays: 7:00-8:00 PM
Fridays: 7:00-8:00 PM

For questions, contact Tricia Jones at .

Or check out the "Virtual Kickboxing with Tricia" Facebook Group.

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Oct 5


Library Open

Every Sunday, 8:45am - 9:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .

Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.). 




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Oct 5


Worship & Small Groups

Every Sunday, 9:30am - Noon

Worship & Small Groups


Identical worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

Plan a Visit

Worship Online


Small Groups

Small Group Bible Study for all ages at 9:30 AM



Infants through Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 1-6 check in upstairs at the Stair 2 landing. Use the Children's Entrance, and enter Stair 2 at your immediate right. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 7-12 start in Room 250 and break into small groups from there.

Young Adults

Young Adults ages 18-30 meet in Room 256. (Also available: Fridays at 6:00 PM at 1150 Mountain Laurel Dr, New Braunfels, TX 78132.)


View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adult Groups start with an opening assembly in Rushing Hall before heading to their individual rooms.
9:00 AM - Fellowship Time
9:15-9:25 - A hymn and announcements
9:25-9:30 - Transition to individual rooms
9:30 AM - Small Groups start 

View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

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Oct 6


Flower Ministry

Every Monday, 10am - 11am

Flower Ministry

Leader: Pam Jowers

**Not meeting Monday, September 4th**

This team arranges small bouquets of flowers to give homebound members as they visit them in their homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Arrive at 10:00 AM each Monday to arrange flowers in Room 125, then go together on congregational care visits until around 1:00, and grab lunch together afterward.

(Optional: Team members may take turns buying about $20 of flowers. With the current number of volunteers, it amounts to buying flowers once every 6-8 weeks. This is not a requirement to join the team.)

Pam Jowers   |   (903) 241-2058   |   

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Oct 6


Prayer at Landa Park

First Mondays at 11AM

Prayer at Landa Park

NEW TIME! Prayer at Landa Park will now meet at 11AM (instead of noon). On the first Monday of each month, we meet at the Founders Oak in Landa Park. Come join us in praying for revival in our nation, our state, our city, and ourselves. Pray for the entire hour, or drop in for a few minutes on your lunch break. Contact Barry Bechtold.


Landa Park Map

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Oct 7


Men's Book Study

Every Tuesday, 8am - 9am

Men's Book Study

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Meets Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 AM in Room 122
Please purchase the book beforehand from your vendor of choice
Discussion facilitated by Jim Fielder,


New Book Starting January 7

The Power of Truth in Perilous Times: Pursuing the Knowledge of God in the Midst of Cultural Insanity by Marcus E. Drake, who is also a member of First Baptist.

Real Hope in the Midst of a Culture Gone Awry!

Yes, we live in this kind of culture and world. However, it is clear in the Bible that the more we pursue the knowledge of God, as defined and described in Scripture, and the more we are devoted to him, the more he will work in us and through us during the perilous times in which we live. Therefore, in thinking about the extraordinary impact biblical truth can have on our society, this book focuses on three vitally important areas in the Bible: how God reveals his existence through nature and his Word, how he discloses his character through his attributes and promises, and how he calls his people to seek the knowledge of himself through the fear of the Lord and the bearing of his image.

Thus, the purpose of this book is to lead believers into a deeper understanding of what God is like, a deeper understanding of what he has promised to those who know him, and a deeper understanding of the unshakable hope and strong encouragement we have in God's Word as we live in a confused and deteriorating culture.

Rather than simply decrying the devastating changes in our nation and world, this book clearly proclaims the hope that is ours in the very nature and character of God himself, the identity and security believers have in Christ, and the biblical guidance we need in order to be salt and light in our generation.

A God-centered, truth-loving, Christ-exalting approach to life changes everything!


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Oct 7


Men's Basketball

Every Tuesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Men's Basketball

Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Gym.

New players welcome, invite a friend! 
Men, ages 15 and up, are welcome.*

For more info, text Ryan Garcia at (210) 562-0247.

*We love families at FBCNB, but the Gym is reserved for men, ages 15 and up, during this time.

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Oct 9


Senior Adult Luncheon

Second Thursday of the month, Noon - 1:30pm

Senior Adult Luncheon

For adults ages 55+
12:00-1:30 PM in Rushing Hall
Typically the second Thursday of each month (September-May)
All luncheons are free, with the exception of February and December, which are catered banquets for Valentine's Day and Christmas. $10 tickets are available from any Senior Adult Ministry Team member.
Two weeks prior to each luncheon, an attendance signup sheet will be available at the Welcome Center in the Sanctuary foyer. Please sign up as it helps us prepare enough food. We look forward to seeing you there!


2025 Dates

JANUARY 16 (rescheduled due to threat of inclement weather on January 9)
February 13 (catered Valentine Banquet, $10)
March 13
April 10
May 8
September 11
October 9
November 13
December 11 (Catered Christmas Banquet, $10)


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Oct 14


Ladies' Game Day

Second Tuesday of the month, 2pm - 4pm

Ladies' Game Day

Senior Adult ladies meet on the second Tuesday of each month for some game time and fellowship from 2:00-4:00 PM in Room 120.  (ladies of all ages are invited!)

Feel free to invite a friend, bring your favorite game, or bring a snack to share if you'd like.
Or just bring yourself and have some fun!

For more info, please contact Jackie Morrison at 830-302-6360.

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Oct 18


Men's Breakfast

Third Saturday of the month, 7am - 8am

Men's Breakfast

Leader: Lee Byrd |

All men are invited and encouraged to attend this monthly fellowship from 7:00-8:00 AM in the Gym on the third Saturday of each month. We will have a devotional, testimony, praise and worship, and highlight ministry options available. Breakfast will be provided.


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Oct 24


42 Fun Night

Fourth Friday of the month, 5:15pm - 8:30pm

42 Fun Night

Leader: June Long |

42 is a domino game that is played like a card game with a twist. You'll enjoy a good game and fellowship. We typically meet the fourth Friday of each month, with a few exceptions, from 5:15-8:30 PM in Room 120. Please contact June Long at 830-237-7692 or   so she can organize an even number of players.

Beginners are always welcome and will be taught to play at a beginner's table!


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Oct 26


Quarterly Member Meeting

Sunday, October 26

Quarterly Member Meeting

Time: 5pm – 6pm

5:00 PM in Rushing Hall

Quarterly Member Meetings are open to any member or prospect. Only members can vote on church business but all are welcome to attend.

At these meetings, we approve new members, answer questions about large projects, share vision and direction for new initiatives, get reports from all the standing committees (missions, finance, personnel, nominating & bylaws), and reports from any ad hoc committees we currently have (i.e. building, search committees, etc...).

All members are highly encouraged to attend, ask questions, and be a part of the conversation.

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October 2025

November 2025

Nov 2


Library Open

Every Sunday, 8:45am - 9:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .

Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.). 




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Nov 2


Worship & Small Groups

Every Sunday, 9:30am - Noon

Worship & Small Groups


Identical worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

Plan a Visit

Worship Online


Small Groups

Small Group Bible Study for all ages at 9:30 AM



Infants through Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 1-6 check in upstairs at the Stair 2 landing. Use the Children's Entrance, and enter Stair 2 at your immediate right. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 7-12 start in Room 250 and break into small groups from there.

Young Adults

Young Adults ages 18-30 meet in Room 256. (Also available: Fridays at 6:00 PM at 1150 Mountain Laurel Dr, New Braunfels, TX 78132.)


View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adult Groups start with an opening assembly in Rushing Hall before heading to their individual rooms.
9:00 AM - Fellowship Time
9:15-9:25 - A hymn and announcements
9:25-9:30 - Transition to individual rooms
9:30 AM - Small Groups start 

View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

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Nov 3


Flower Ministry

Every Monday, 10am - 11am

Flower Ministry

Leader: Pam Jowers

**Not meeting Monday, September 4th**

This team arranges small bouquets of flowers to give homebound members as they visit them in their homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Arrive at 10:00 AM each Monday to arrange flowers in Room 125, then go together on congregational care visits until around 1:00, and grab lunch together afterward.

(Optional: Team members may take turns buying about $20 of flowers. With the current number of volunteers, it amounts to buying flowers once every 6-8 weeks. This is not a requirement to join the team.)

Pam Jowers   |   (903) 241-2058   |   

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Nov 3


Prayer at Landa Park

First Mondays at 11AM

Prayer at Landa Park

NEW TIME! Prayer at Landa Park will now meet at 11AM (instead of noon). On the first Monday of each month, we meet at the Founders Oak in Landa Park. Come join us in praying for revival in our nation, our state, our city, and ourselves. Pray for the entire hour, or drop in for a few minutes on your lunch break. Contact Barry Bechtold.


Landa Park Map

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Nov 3


Kickboxing Workout

MON & FRI: 7-8PM

Kickboxing Workout

**No Kickboxing Friday, November 1st**

These FREE workouts are open to the community, so pop in, try it out, and come as you can. Workouts are Monday and Friday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM. Modifications are available, so there's something for every fitness level! No registration necessary. Bring your boxing gloves and mat, or borrow some of ours. We also recommend a water bottle and sweat towel or band. Beginners, seasoned athletes, and everyone in between, come enjoy a fun workout with encouraging people!

Enter the Gym from the side double doors on Guenther Ave.

(Minors must be at least 10 and have a parent/guardian present for the duration of the class.)

Mondays: 7:00-8:00 PM
Fridays: 7:00-8:00 PM

For questions, contact Tricia Jones at .

Or check out the "Virtual Kickboxing with Tricia" Facebook Group.

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Nov 4


Men's Book Study

Every Tuesday, 8am - 9am

Men's Book Study

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Meets Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 AM in Room 122
Please purchase the book beforehand from your vendor of choice
Discussion facilitated by Jim Fielder,


New Book Starting January 7

The Power of Truth in Perilous Times: Pursuing the Knowledge of God in the Midst of Cultural Insanity by Marcus E. Drake, who is also a member of First Baptist.

Real Hope in the Midst of a Culture Gone Awry!

Yes, we live in this kind of culture and world. However, it is clear in the Bible that the more we pursue the knowledge of God, as defined and described in Scripture, and the more we are devoted to him, the more he will work in us and through us during the perilous times in which we live. Therefore, in thinking about the extraordinary impact biblical truth can have on our society, this book focuses on three vitally important areas in the Bible: how God reveals his existence through nature and his Word, how he discloses his character through his attributes and promises, and how he calls his people to seek the knowledge of himself through the fear of the Lord and the bearing of his image.

Thus, the purpose of this book is to lead believers into a deeper understanding of what God is like, a deeper understanding of what he has promised to those who know him, and a deeper understanding of the unshakable hope and strong encouragement we have in God's Word as we live in a confused and deteriorating culture.

Rather than simply decrying the devastating changes in our nation and world, this book clearly proclaims the hope that is ours in the very nature and character of God himself, the identity and security believers have in Christ, and the biblical guidance we need in order to be salt and light in our generation.

A God-centered, truth-loving, Christ-exalting approach to life changes everything!


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Nov 4


Restoring Hope Boutique


Restoring Hope Boutique

First Baptist’s Restoring Hope Boutique provides used clothing at no charge to members of our community who are in need. We have a good selection of clothing and shoes in all sizes for women, men, and children, including infants. We also hope to provide shoes and coats during the winter.

271 S. Santa Clara Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 AM
Holiday Closures: Dec 24, 26, and 31

Sort and organize donations, and help visitors obtain clothes. Spanish-speakers will also be very helpful. Call the church office at (830) 625-9124 to volunteer.

All items should be clean and free of stains, tears, and logos. We are unable to accept underwear, bathing suits, men's suits or jackets, or any dry clean items. 
Donations may be dropped off at the Boutique on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9:00 and 11:00 AM, or left on the porch in weatherproof bags.

Thank you for your donations and your prayers!

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Nov 4


Men's Basketball

Every Tuesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Men's Basketball

Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Gym.

New players welcome, invite a friend! 
Men, ages 15 and up, are welcome.*

For more info, text Ryan Garcia at (210) 562-0247.

*We love families at FBCNB, but the Gym is reserved for men, ages 15 and up, during this time.

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Nov 5


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 8am - 11:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesday mornings from 8:00-11:30 and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .


Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).

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Nov 5


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 6:30pm

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Thanksgiving Break: November 22
Christmas Break: December 20 & 27

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .




Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).



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Nov 5


Wednesday Supper

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 5:45pm

Wednesday Supper

5:00-5:45 PM
Gym (Please use Main Entrance near Sanctuary. The Gym Entrance is closed for construction.)

All meals include a main entrée, side, fruit salad, green salad, dessert, and drink.
Adult Plate: $7
Child Plate: $5 (Same as adult meal, smaller portions)
Family Max: $27

Please sign up online by the Sunday prior. You may pay online, or by cash, check, or card at the door.


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Nov 5


Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Every Wednesday, 6pm - 7pm

Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Leader: Dr. Brad H. McLean |

All are welcome, no need to sign up.
A walk through various books of the Bible, verse by verse.
Wednesday nights 6:00-7:00 PM in Room 120

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Nov 5


Choir Rehearsal

Every Wednesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Choir Rehearsal

Leader: James Passman |

The Sanctuary Choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Choir Room and teams up with the praise band to lead worship on Sunday mornings. Rehearsal is more than notes and rhythms. It's an opportunity to worship and draw near to God together! Under the direction of Worship Pastor, James Passman, the choir prepares a wide variety of music to include hymn arrangements, choral classics, and adaptations of modern worship choruses. The Sanctuary Choir is a non-auditioned group open to all who want to come and sing.

A love for the Lord and a love for music are the only two requirements. 

Discover more about the Worship Ministry

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Nov 7


Prayer Meeting

FRIDAYS, 1:00-2:00 PM

Prayer Meeting

Leader: Roy Daves |

Meet from 1:00-2:00 PM in the Sanctuary each Friday to pray for salvation of the lost, for community outreach, and for our church.

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Nov 11


Ladies' Game Day

Second Tuesday of the month, 2pm - 4pm

Ladies' Game Day

Senior Adult ladies meet on the second Tuesday of each month for some game time and fellowship from 2:00-4:00 PM in Room 120.  (ladies of all ages are invited!)

Feel free to invite a friend, bring your favorite game, or bring a snack to share if you'd like.
Or just bring yourself and have some fun!

For more info, please contact Jackie Morrison at 830-302-6360.

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Nov 13


Senior Adult Luncheon

Second Thursday of the month, Noon - 1:30pm

Senior Adult Luncheon

For adults ages 55+
12:00-1:30 PM in Rushing Hall
Typically the second Thursday of each month (September-May)
All luncheons are free, with the exception of February and December, which are catered banquets for Valentine's Day and Christmas. $10 tickets are available from any Senior Adult Ministry Team member.
Two weeks prior to each luncheon, an attendance signup sheet will be available at the Welcome Center in the Sanctuary foyer. Please sign up as it helps us prepare enough food. We look forward to seeing you there!


2025 Dates

JANUARY 16 (rescheduled due to threat of inclement weather on January 9)
February 13 (catered Valentine Banquet, $10)
March 13
April 10
May 8
September 11
October 9
November 13
December 11 (Catered Christmas Banquet, $10)


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Nov 15


Men's Breakfast

Third Saturday of the month, 7am - 8am

Men's Breakfast

Leader: Lee Byrd |

All men are invited and encouraged to attend this monthly fellowship from 7:00-8:00 AM in the Gym on the third Saturday of each month. We will have a devotional, testimony, praise and worship, and highlight ministry options available. Breakfast will be provided.


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Nov 21


42 Fun Night

Friday, November 21

42 Fun Night

Leader: June Long |

Time: 5:15pm – 8:30pm

42 is a domino game that is played like a card game with a twist. You'll enjoy a good game and fellowship. We typically meet the fourth Friday of each month, with a few exceptions, from 5:15-8:30 PM in Room 120. Please contact June Long at 830-237-7692 or   so she can organize an even number of players.

Beginners are always welcome and will be taught to play at a beginner's table!


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November 2025

December 2025

Dec 1


Flower Ministry

Every Monday, 10am - 11am

Flower Ministry

Leader: Pam Jowers

**Not meeting Monday, September 4th**

This team arranges small bouquets of flowers to give homebound members as they visit them in their homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Arrive at 10:00 AM each Monday to arrange flowers in Room 125, then go together on congregational care visits until around 1:00, and grab lunch together afterward.

(Optional: Team members may take turns buying about $20 of flowers. With the current number of volunteers, it amounts to buying flowers once every 6-8 weeks. This is not a requirement to join the team.)

Pam Jowers   |   (903) 241-2058   |   

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Dec 1


Prayer at Landa Park

First Mondays at 11AM

Prayer at Landa Park

NEW TIME! Prayer at Landa Park will now meet at 11AM (instead of noon). On the first Monday of each month, we meet at the Founders Oak in Landa Park. Come join us in praying for revival in our nation, our state, our city, and ourselves. Pray for the entire hour, or drop in for a few minutes on your lunch break. Contact Barry Bechtold.


Landa Park Map

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Dec 1


Kickboxing Workout

MON & FRI: 7-8PM

Kickboxing Workout

**No Kickboxing Friday, November 1st**

These FREE workouts are open to the community, so pop in, try it out, and come as you can. Workouts are Monday and Friday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM. Modifications are available, so there's something for every fitness level! No registration necessary. Bring your boxing gloves and mat, or borrow some of ours. We also recommend a water bottle and sweat towel or band. Beginners, seasoned athletes, and everyone in between, come enjoy a fun workout with encouraging people!

Enter the Gym from the side double doors on Guenther Ave.

(Minors must be at least 10 and have a parent/guardian present for the duration of the class.)

Mondays: 7:00-8:00 PM
Fridays: 7:00-8:00 PM

For questions, contact Tricia Jones at .

Or check out the "Virtual Kickboxing with Tricia" Facebook Group.

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Dec 2


Men's Book Study

Every Tuesday, 8am - 9am

Men's Book Study

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Meets Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 AM in Room 122
Please purchase the book beforehand from your vendor of choice
Discussion facilitated by Jim Fielder,


New Book Starting January 7

The Power of Truth in Perilous Times: Pursuing the Knowledge of God in the Midst of Cultural Insanity by Marcus E. Drake, who is also a member of First Baptist.

Real Hope in the Midst of a Culture Gone Awry!

Yes, we live in this kind of culture and world. However, it is clear in the Bible that the more we pursue the knowledge of God, as defined and described in Scripture, and the more we are devoted to him, the more he will work in us and through us during the perilous times in which we live. Therefore, in thinking about the extraordinary impact biblical truth can have on our society, this book focuses on three vitally important areas in the Bible: how God reveals his existence through nature and his Word, how he discloses his character through his attributes and promises, and how he calls his people to seek the knowledge of himself through the fear of the Lord and the bearing of his image.

Thus, the purpose of this book is to lead believers into a deeper understanding of what God is like, a deeper understanding of what he has promised to those who know him, and a deeper understanding of the unshakable hope and strong encouragement we have in God's Word as we live in a confused and deteriorating culture.

Rather than simply decrying the devastating changes in our nation and world, this book clearly proclaims the hope that is ours in the very nature and character of God himself, the identity and security believers have in Christ, and the biblical guidance we need in order to be salt and light in our generation.

A God-centered, truth-loving, Christ-exalting approach to life changes everything!


More Info Add to Calendar

Dec 2


Restoring Hope Boutique


Restoring Hope Boutique

First Baptist’s Restoring Hope Boutique provides used clothing at no charge to members of our community who are in need. We have a good selection of clothing and shoes in all sizes for women, men, and children, including infants. We also hope to provide shoes and coats during the winter.

271 S. Santa Clara Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 AM
Holiday Closures: Dec 24, 26, and 31

Sort and organize donations, and help visitors obtain clothes. Spanish-speakers will also be very helpful. Call the church office at (830) 625-9124 to volunteer.

All items should be clean and free of stains, tears, and logos. We are unable to accept underwear, bathing suits, men's suits or jackets, or any dry clean items. 
Donations may be dropped off at the Boutique on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9:00 and 11:00 AM, or left on the porch in weatherproof bags.

Thank you for your donations and your prayers!

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Dec 2


Men's Basketball

Every Tuesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Men's Basketball

Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Gym.

New players welcome, invite a friend! 
Men, ages 15 and up, are welcome.*

For more info, text Ryan Garcia at (210) 562-0247.

*We love families at FBCNB, but the Gym is reserved for men, ages 15 and up, during this time.

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Dec 3


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 8am - 11:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesday mornings from 8:00-11:30 and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .


Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).

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Dec 3


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 6:30pm

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Thanksgiving Break: November 22
Christmas Break: December 20 & 27

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .




Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).



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Dec 3


Wednesday Supper

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 5:45pm

Wednesday Supper

5:00-5:45 PM
Gym (Please use Main Entrance near Sanctuary. The Gym Entrance is closed for construction.)

All meals include a main entrée, side, fruit salad, green salad, dessert, and drink.
Adult Plate: $7
Child Plate: $5 (Same as adult meal, smaller portions)
Family Max: $27

Please sign up online by the Sunday prior. You may pay online, or by cash, check, or card at the door.


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Dec 3


Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Every Wednesday, 6pm - 7pm

Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Leader: Dr. Brad H. McLean |

All are welcome, no need to sign up.
A walk through various books of the Bible, verse by verse.
Wednesday nights 6:00-7:00 PM in Room 120

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Dec 3


Choir Rehearsal

Every Wednesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Choir Rehearsal

Leader: James Passman |

The Sanctuary Choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Choir Room and teams up with the praise band to lead worship on Sunday mornings. Rehearsal is more than notes and rhythms. It's an opportunity to worship and draw near to God together! Under the direction of Worship Pastor, James Passman, the choir prepares a wide variety of music to include hymn arrangements, choral classics, and adaptations of modern worship choruses. The Sanctuary Choir is a non-auditioned group open to all who want to come and sing.

A love for the Lord and a love for music are the only two requirements. 

Discover more about the Worship Ministry

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Dec 5


Prayer Meeting

FRIDAYS, 1:00-2:00 PM

Prayer Meeting

Leader: Roy Daves |

Meet from 1:00-2:00 PM in the Sanctuary each Friday to pray for salvation of the lost, for community outreach, and for our church.

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Dec 7


Library Open

Every Sunday, 8:45am - 9:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .

Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.). 




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Dec 7


Worship & Small Groups

Every Sunday, 9:30am - Noon

Worship & Small Groups


Identical worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

Plan a Visit

Worship Online


Small Groups

Small Group Bible Study for all ages at 9:30 AM



Infants through Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 1-6 check in upstairs at the Stair 2 landing. Use the Children's Entrance, and enter Stair 2 at your immediate right. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 7-12 start in Room 250 and break into small groups from there.

Young Adults

Young Adults ages 18-30 meet in Room 256. (Also available: Fridays at 6:00 PM at 1150 Mountain Laurel Dr, New Braunfels, TX 78132.)


View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adult Groups start with an opening assembly in Rushing Hall before heading to their individual rooms.
9:00 AM - Fellowship Time
9:15-9:25 - A hymn and announcements
9:25-9:30 - Transition to individual rooms
9:30 AM - Small Groups start 

View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

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Dec 9


Ladies' Game Day

Second Tuesday of the month, 2pm - 4pm

Ladies' Game Day

Senior Adult ladies meet on the second Tuesday of each month for some game time and fellowship from 2:00-4:00 PM in Room 120.  (ladies of all ages are invited!)

Feel free to invite a friend, bring your favorite game, or bring a snack to share if you'd like.
Or just bring yourself and have some fun!

For more info, please contact Jackie Morrison at 830-302-6360.

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Dec 11


Senior Adult Luncheon

Second Thursday of the month, Noon - 1:30pm

Senior Adult Luncheon

For adults ages 55+
12:00-1:30 PM in Rushing Hall
Typically the second Thursday of each month (September-May)
All luncheons are free, with the exception of February and December, which are catered banquets for Valentine's Day and Christmas. $10 tickets are available from any Senior Adult Ministry Team member.
Two weeks prior to each luncheon, an attendance signup sheet will be available at the Welcome Center in the Sanctuary foyer. Please sign up as it helps us prepare enough food. We look forward to seeing you there!


2025 Dates

JANUARY 16 (rescheduled due to threat of inclement weather on January 9)
February 13 (catered Valentine Banquet, $10)
March 13
April 10
May 8
September 11
October 9
November 13
December 11 (Catered Christmas Banquet, $10)


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Dec 19


42 Fun Night

Friday, December 19

42 Fun Night

Leader: June Long |

Time: 5:15pm – 8:30pm

42 is a domino game that is played like a card game with a twist. You'll enjoy a good game and fellowship. We typically meet the fourth Friday of each month, with a few exceptions, from 5:15-8:30 PM in Room 120. Please contact June Long at 830-237-7692 or   so she can organize an even number of players.

Beginners are always welcome and will be taught to play at a beginner's table!


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Dec 20


Men's Breakfast

Third Saturday of the month, 7am - 8am

Men's Breakfast

Leader: Lee Byrd |

All men are invited and encouraged to attend this monthly fellowship from 7:00-8:00 AM in the Gym on the third Saturday of each month. We will have a devotional, testimony, praise and worship, and highlight ministry options available. Breakfast will be provided.


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December 2025

January 2026

Jan 1


Restoring Hope Boutique


Restoring Hope Boutique

First Baptist’s Restoring Hope Boutique provides used clothing at no charge to members of our community who are in need. We have a good selection of clothing and shoes in all sizes for women, men, and children, including infants. We also hope to provide shoes and coats during the winter.

271 S. Santa Clara Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 AM
Holiday Closures: Dec 24, 26, and 31

Sort and organize donations, and help visitors obtain clothes. Spanish-speakers will also be very helpful. Call the church office at (830) 625-9124 to volunteer.

All items should be clean and free of stains, tears, and logos. We are unable to accept underwear, bathing suits, men's suits or jackets, or any dry clean items. 
Donations may be dropped off at the Boutique on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9:00 and 11:00 AM, or left on the porch in weatherproof bags.

Thank you for your donations and your prayers!

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Jan 2


Prayer Meeting

FRIDAYS, 1:00-2:00 PM

Prayer Meeting

Leader: Roy Daves |

Meet from 1:00-2:00 PM in the Sanctuary each Friday to pray for salvation of the lost, for community outreach, and for our church.

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Jan 2


Kickboxing Workout

MON & FRI: 7-8PM

Kickboxing Workout

**No Kickboxing Friday, November 1st**

These FREE workouts are open to the community, so pop in, try it out, and come as you can. Workouts are Monday and Friday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM. Modifications are available, so there's something for every fitness level! No registration necessary. Bring your boxing gloves and mat, or borrow some of ours. We also recommend a water bottle and sweat towel or band. Beginners, seasoned athletes, and everyone in between, come enjoy a fun workout with encouraging people!

Enter the Gym from the side double doors on Guenther Ave.

(Minors must be at least 10 and have a parent/guardian present for the duration of the class.)

Mondays: 7:00-8:00 PM
Fridays: 7:00-8:00 PM

For questions, contact Tricia Jones at .

Or check out the "Virtual Kickboxing with Tricia" Facebook Group.

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Jan 4


Library Open

Every Sunday, 8:45am - 9:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .

Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.). 




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Jan 4


Worship & Small Groups

Every Sunday, 9:30am - Noon

Worship & Small Groups


Identical worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

Plan a Visit

Worship Online


Small Groups

Small Group Bible Study for all ages at 9:30 AM



Infants through Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 1-6 check in upstairs at the Stair 2 landing. Use the Children's Entrance, and enter Stair 2 at your immediate right. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 7-12 start in Room 250 and break into small groups from there.

Young Adults

Young Adults ages 18-30 meet in Room 256. (Also available: Fridays at 6:00 PM at 1150 Mountain Laurel Dr, New Braunfels, TX 78132.)


View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adult Groups start with an opening assembly in Rushing Hall before heading to their individual rooms.
9:00 AM - Fellowship Time
9:15-9:25 - A hymn and announcements
9:25-9:30 - Transition to individual rooms
9:30 AM - Small Groups start 

View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

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Jan 5


Flower Ministry

Every Monday, 10am - 11am

Flower Ministry

Leader: Pam Jowers

**Not meeting Monday, September 4th**

This team arranges small bouquets of flowers to give homebound members as they visit them in their homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Arrive at 10:00 AM each Monday to arrange flowers in Room 125, then go together on congregational care visits until around 1:00, and grab lunch together afterward.

(Optional: Team members may take turns buying about $20 of flowers. With the current number of volunteers, it amounts to buying flowers once every 6-8 weeks. This is not a requirement to join the team.)

Pam Jowers   |   (903) 241-2058   |   

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Jan 5


Prayer at Landa Park

First Mondays at 11AM

Prayer at Landa Park

NEW TIME! Prayer at Landa Park will now meet at 11AM (instead of noon). On the first Monday of each month, we meet at the Founders Oak in Landa Park. Come join us in praying for revival in our nation, our state, our city, and ourselves. Pray for the entire hour, or drop in for a few minutes on your lunch break. Contact Barry Bechtold.


Landa Park Map

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Jan 6


Men's Book Study

Every Tuesday, 8am - 9am

Men's Book Study

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Meets Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 AM in Room 122
Please purchase the book beforehand from your vendor of choice
Discussion facilitated by Jim Fielder,


New Book Starting January 7

The Power of Truth in Perilous Times: Pursuing the Knowledge of God in the Midst of Cultural Insanity by Marcus E. Drake, who is also a member of First Baptist.

Real Hope in the Midst of a Culture Gone Awry!

Yes, we live in this kind of culture and world. However, it is clear in the Bible that the more we pursue the knowledge of God, as defined and described in Scripture, and the more we are devoted to him, the more he will work in us and through us during the perilous times in which we live. Therefore, in thinking about the extraordinary impact biblical truth can have on our society, this book focuses on three vitally important areas in the Bible: how God reveals his existence through nature and his Word, how he discloses his character through his attributes and promises, and how he calls his people to seek the knowledge of himself through the fear of the Lord and the bearing of his image.

Thus, the purpose of this book is to lead believers into a deeper understanding of what God is like, a deeper understanding of what he has promised to those who know him, and a deeper understanding of the unshakable hope and strong encouragement we have in God's Word as we live in a confused and deteriorating culture.

Rather than simply decrying the devastating changes in our nation and world, this book clearly proclaims the hope that is ours in the very nature and character of God himself, the identity and security believers have in Christ, and the biblical guidance we need in order to be salt and light in our generation.

A God-centered, truth-loving, Christ-exalting approach to life changes everything!


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Jan 6


Men's Basketball

Every Tuesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Men's Basketball

Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Gym.

New players welcome, invite a friend! 
Men, ages 15 and up, are welcome.*

For more info, text Ryan Garcia at (210) 562-0247.

*We love families at FBCNB, but the Gym is reserved for men, ages 15 and up, during this time.

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Jan 7


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 8am - 11:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesday mornings from 8:00-11:30 and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .


Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).

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Jan 7


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 6:30pm

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Thanksgiving Break: November 22
Christmas Break: December 20 & 27

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .




Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).



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Jan 7


Wednesday Supper

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 5:45pm

Wednesday Supper

5:00-5:45 PM
Gym (Please use Main Entrance near Sanctuary. The Gym Entrance is closed for construction.)

All meals include a main entrée, side, fruit salad, green salad, dessert, and drink.
Adult Plate: $7
Child Plate: $5 (Same as adult meal, smaller portions)
Family Max: $27

Please sign up online by the Sunday prior. You may pay online, or by cash, check, or card at the door.


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Jan 7


Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Every Wednesday, 6pm - 7pm

Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Leader: Dr. Brad H. McLean |

All are welcome, no need to sign up.
A walk through various books of the Bible, verse by verse.
Wednesday nights 6:00-7:00 PM in Room 120

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Jan 7


Choir Rehearsal

Every Wednesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Choir Rehearsal

Leader: James Passman |

The Sanctuary Choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Choir Room and teams up with the praise band to lead worship on Sunday mornings. Rehearsal is more than notes and rhythms. It's an opportunity to worship and draw near to God together! Under the direction of Worship Pastor, James Passman, the choir prepares a wide variety of music to include hymn arrangements, choral classics, and adaptations of modern worship choruses. The Sanctuary Choir is a non-auditioned group open to all who want to come and sing.

A love for the Lord and a love for music are the only two requirements. 

Discover more about the Worship Ministry

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Jan 8


Senior Adult Luncheon

Second Thursday of the month, Noon - 1:30pm

Senior Adult Luncheon

For adults ages 55+
12:00-1:30 PM in Rushing Hall
Typically the second Thursday of each month (September-May)
All luncheons are free, with the exception of February and December, which are catered banquets for Valentine's Day and Christmas. $10 tickets are available from any Senior Adult Ministry Team member.
Two weeks prior to each luncheon, an attendance signup sheet will be available at the Welcome Center in the Sanctuary foyer. Please sign up as it helps us prepare enough food. We look forward to seeing you there!


2025 Dates

JANUARY 16 (rescheduled due to threat of inclement weather on January 9)
February 13 (catered Valentine Banquet, $10)
March 13
April 10
May 8
September 11
October 9
November 13
December 11 (Catered Christmas Banquet, $10)


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Jan 13


Ladies' Game Day

Second Tuesday of the month, 2pm - 4pm

Ladies' Game Day

Senior Adult ladies meet on the second Tuesday of each month for some game time and fellowship from 2:00-4:00 PM in Room 120.  (ladies of all ages are invited!)

Feel free to invite a friend, bring your favorite game, or bring a snack to share if you'd like.
Or just bring yourself and have some fun!

For more info, please contact Jackie Morrison at 830-302-6360.

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Jan 17


Men's Breakfast

Third Saturday of the month, 7am - 8am

Men's Breakfast

Leader: Lee Byrd |

All men are invited and encouraged to attend this monthly fellowship from 7:00-8:00 AM in the Gym on the third Saturday of each month. We will have a devotional, testimony, praise and worship, and highlight ministry options available. Breakfast will be provided.


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Jan 23


42 Fun Night

Fourth Friday of the month, 5:15pm - 8:30pm

42 Fun Night

Leader: June Long |

42 is a domino game that is played like a card game with a twist. You'll enjoy a good game and fellowship. We typically meet the fourth Friday of each month, with a few exceptions, from 5:15-8:30 PM in Room 120. Please contact June Long at 830-237-7692 or   so she can organize an even number of players.

Beginners are always welcome and will be taught to play at a beginner's table!


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Jan 25


Quarterly Member Meeting

Sunday, January 25

Quarterly Member Meeting

Time: 5pm – 6pm

5:00 PM in Rushing Hall

Quarterly Member Meetings are open to any member or prospect. Only members can vote on church business but all are welcome to attend.

At these meetings, we approve new members, answer questions about large projects, share vision and direction for new initiatives, get reports from all the standing committees (missions, finance, personnel, nominating & bylaws), and reports from any ad hoc committees we currently have (i.e. building, search committees, etc...).

All members are highly encouraged to attend, ask questions, and be a part of the conversation.

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January 2026

February 2026

Feb 1


Library Open

Every Sunday, 8:45am - 9:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .

Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.). 




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Feb 1


Worship & Small Groups

Every Sunday, 9:30am - Noon

Worship & Small Groups


Identical worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

Plan a Visit

Worship Online


Small Groups

Small Group Bible Study for all ages at 9:30 AM



Infants through Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 1-6 check in upstairs at the Stair 2 landing. Use the Children's Entrance, and enter Stair 2 at your immediate right. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 7-12 start in Room 250 and break into small groups from there.

Young Adults

Young Adults ages 18-30 meet in Room 256. (Also available: Fridays at 6:00 PM at 1150 Mountain Laurel Dr, New Braunfels, TX 78132.)


View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adult Groups start with an opening assembly in Rushing Hall before heading to their individual rooms.
9:00 AM - Fellowship Time
9:15-9:25 - A hymn and announcements
9:25-9:30 - Transition to individual rooms
9:30 AM - Small Groups start 

View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

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Feb 2


Flower Ministry

Every Monday, 10am - 11am

Flower Ministry

Leader: Pam Jowers

**Not meeting Monday, September 4th**

This team arranges small bouquets of flowers to give homebound members as they visit them in their homes, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Arrive at 10:00 AM each Monday to arrange flowers in Room 125, then go together on congregational care visits until around 1:00, and grab lunch together afterward.

(Optional: Team members may take turns buying about $20 of flowers. With the current number of volunteers, it amounts to buying flowers once every 6-8 weeks. This is not a requirement to join the team.)

Pam Jowers   |   (903) 241-2058   |   

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Feb 2


Prayer at Landa Park

First Mondays at 11AM

Prayer at Landa Park

NEW TIME! Prayer at Landa Park will now meet at 11AM (instead of noon). On the first Monday of each month, we meet at the Founders Oak in Landa Park. Come join us in praying for revival in our nation, our state, our city, and ourselves. Pray for the entire hour, or drop in for a few minutes on your lunch break. Contact Barry Bechtold.


Landa Park Map

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Feb 2


Kickboxing Workout

MON & FRI: 7-8PM

Kickboxing Workout

**No Kickboxing Friday, November 1st**

These FREE workouts are open to the community, so pop in, try it out, and come as you can. Workouts are Monday and Friday evenings from 7:00-8:00 PM. Modifications are available, so there's something for every fitness level! No registration necessary. Bring your boxing gloves and mat, or borrow some of ours. We also recommend a water bottle and sweat towel or band. Beginners, seasoned athletes, and everyone in between, come enjoy a fun workout with encouraging people!

Enter the Gym from the side double doors on Guenther Ave.

(Minors must be at least 10 and have a parent/guardian present for the duration of the class.)

Mondays: 7:00-8:00 PM
Fridays: 7:00-8:00 PM

For questions, contact Tricia Jones at .

Or check out the "Virtual Kickboxing with Tricia" Facebook Group.

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Feb 3


Men's Book Study

Every Tuesday, 8am - 9am

Men's Book Study

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Meets Tuesdays from 8:00-9:00 AM in Room 122
Please purchase the book beforehand from your vendor of choice
Discussion facilitated by Jim Fielder,


New Book Starting January 7

The Power of Truth in Perilous Times: Pursuing the Knowledge of God in the Midst of Cultural Insanity by Marcus E. Drake, who is also a member of First Baptist.

Real Hope in the Midst of a Culture Gone Awry!

Yes, we live in this kind of culture and world. However, it is clear in the Bible that the more we pursue the knowledge of God, as defined and described in Scripture, and the more we are devoted to him, the more he will work in us and through us during the perilous times in which we live. Therefore, in thinking about the extraordinary impact biblical truth can have on our society, this book focuses on three vitally important areas in the Bible: how God reveals his existence through nature and his Word, how he discloses his character through his attributes and promises, and how he calls his people to seek the knowledge of himself through the fear of the Lord and the bearing of his image.

Thus, the purpose of this book is to lead believers into a deeper understanding of what God is like, a deeper understanding of what he has promised to those who know him, and a deeper understanding of the unshakable hope and strong encouragement we have in God's Word as we live in a confused and deteriorating culture.

Rather than simply decrying the devastating changes in our nation and world, this book clearly proclaims the hope that is ours in the very nature and character of God himself, the identity and security believers have in Christ, and the biblical guidance we need in order to be salt and light in our generation.

A God-centered, truth-loving, Christ-exalting approach to life changes everything!


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Feb 3


Restoring Hope Boutique


Restoring Hope Boutique

First Baptist’s Restoring Hope Boutique provides used clothing at no charge to members of our community who are in need. We have a good selection of clothing and shoes in all sizes for women, men, and children, including infants. We also hope to provide shoes and coats during the winter.

271 S. Santa Clara Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130

Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 AM
Holiday Closures: Dec 24, 26, and 31

Sort and organize donations, and help visitors obtain clothes. Spanish-speakers will also be very helpful. Call the church office at (830) 625-9124 to volunteer.

All items should be clean and free of stains, tears, and logos. We are unable to accept underwear, bathing suits, men's suits or jackets, or any dry clean items. 
Donations may be dropped off at the Boutique on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 9:00 and 11:00 AM, or left on the porch in weatherproof bags.

Thank you for your donations and your prayers!

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Feb 3


Men's Basketball

Every Tuesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Men's Basketball

Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Gym.

New players welcome, invite a friend! 
Men, ages 15 and up, are welcome.*

For more info, text Ryan Garcia at (210) 562-0247.

*We love families at FBCNB, but the Gym is reserved for men, ages 15 and up, during this time.

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Feb 4


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 8am - 11:30am

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesday mornings from 8:00-11:30 and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .


Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).

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Feb 4


Library Open

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 6:30pm

Library Open

Leader: Jim Fielder |

Thanksgiving Break: November 22
Christmas Break: December 20 & 27

FBCNB members, take advantage of a great selection of fiction, non-fiction, reference, children's, DVDs, Bible study kits, and more!

The Library is open Wednesdays from 8:00-11:30a and 5:00-6:00p and Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30a.

Contact Jim Fielder at (512)757-6641 or  .




Sundays - 8:45-9:30 AM
Wednesdays - 8:00-11:30 AM & 5:00-6:00 PM
The library will be closed whenever the church office is closed (holidays, etc.).



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Feb 4


Wednesday Supper

Every Wednesday, 5pm - 5:45pm

Wednesday Supper

5:00-5:45 PM
Gym (Please use Main Entrance near Sanctuary. The Gym Entrance is closed for construction.)

All meals include a main entrée, side, fruit salad, green salad, dessert, and drink.
Adult Plate: $7
Child Plate: $5 (Same as adult meal, smaller portions)
Family Max: $27

Please sign up online by the Sunday prior. You may pay online, or by cash, check, or card at the door.


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Feb 4


Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Every Wednesday, 6pm - 7pm

Pastor Brad's Bible Study

Leader: Dr. Brad H. McLean |

All are welcome, no need to sign up.
A walk through various books of the Bible, verse by verse.
Wednesday nights 6:00-7:00 PM in Room 120

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Feb 4


Choir Rehearsal

Every Wednesday, 7pm - 8:30pm

Choir Rehearsal

Leader: James Passman |

The Sanctuary Choir rehearses every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Choir Room and teams up with the praise band to lead worship on Sunday mornings. Rehearsal is more than notes and rhythms. It's an opportunity to worship and draw near to God together! Under the direction of Worship Pastor, James Passman, the choir prepares a wide variety of music to include hymn arrangements, choral classics, and adaptations of modern worship choruses. The Sanctuary Choir is a non-auditioned group open to all who want to come and sing.

A love for the Lord and a love for music are the only two requirements. 

Discover more about the Worship Ministry

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Feb 6


Prayer Meeting

FRIDAYS, 1:00-2:00 PM

Prayer Meeting

Leader: Roy Daves |

Meet from 1:00-2:00 PM in the Sanctuary each Friday to pray for salvation of the lost, for community outreach, and for our church.

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Feb 10


Ladies' Game Day

Second Tuesday of the month, 2pm - 4pm

Ladies' Game Day

Senior Adult ladies meet on the second Tuesday of each month for some game time and fellowship from 2:00-4:00 PM in Room 120.  (ladies of all ages are invited!)

Feel free to invite a friend, bring your favorite game, or bring a snack to share if you'd like.
Or just bring yourself and have some fun!

For more info, please contact Jackie Morrison at 830-302-6360.

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Feb 12


Senior Adult Luncheon

Second Thursday of the month, Noon - 1:30pm

Senior Adult Luncheon

For adults ages 55+
12:00-1:30 PM in Rushing Hall
Typically the second Thursday of each month (September-May)
All luncheons are free, with the exception of February and December, which are catered banquets for Valentine's Day and Christmas. $10 tickets are available from any Senior Adult Ministry Team member.
Two weeks prior to each luncheon, an attendance signup sheet will be available at the Welcome Center in the Sanctuary foyer. Please sign up as it helps us prepare enough food. We look forward to seeing you there!


2025 Dates

JANUARY 16 (rescheduled due to threat of inclement weather on January 9)
February 13 (catered Valentine Banquet, $10)
March 13
April 10
May 8
September 11
October 9
November 13
December 11 (Catered Christmas Banquet, $10)


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Feb 21


Men's Breakfast

Third Saturday of the month, 7am - 8am

Men's Breakfast

Leader: Lee Byrd |

All men are invited and encouraged to attend this monthly fellowship from 7:00-8:00 AM in the Gym on the third Saturday of each month. We will have a devotional, testimony, praise and worship, and highlight ministry options available. Breakfast will be provided.


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Feb 27


42 Fun Night

Fourth Friday of the month, 5:15pm - 8:30pm

42 Fun Night

Leader: June Long |

42 is a domino game that is played like a card game with a twist. You'll enjoy a good game and fellowship. We typically meet the fourth Friday of each month, with a few exceptions, from 5:15-8:30 PM in Room 120. Please contact June Long at 830-237-7692 or   so she can organize an even number of players.

Beginners are always welcome and will be taught to play at a beginner's table!


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February 2026