What about my kids?


    Sunday Mornings

    Small Groups are available for all ages at 9:30. Babies-Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Grades 1-6, as you enter the Children's Entrance , take an immediate right to go up Stair 2. Check in upstairs at the Stair 2 landing. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in. Children can have fun discovering God and making friends in a secure facility. All our volunteers have completed background checks and must renew every two years.

    During the 11:00 worship service, the nursery is available for infants through 4-year-olds. Check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in. Children 5+ are invited to participate in the worship service with their families. Children's Activity Bags are available at the Welcome Center in the Sanctuary foyer. Please return bags after the service.

    Discover more on our Children’s webpage.