Every Sunday, from 04/24/2022 to 11/20/2022, 5pm - 7:30pm

All Church Study

Contact: Julie Sanborn | jewls243@gmail.com


Meets through November 20, 2022

Men, women, and children of all ages, gather for a potluck dinner in the Gym at 5:00 PM. (Please use the CLC entrance.) From 6:00-7:00, men and women will split off into separate groups for Bible study, currently in the book of Acts. Women are encouraged to bring their daughters, and men are encouraged to bring their sons. No matter your age or stage of life, come fellowship and pore over the Word of God together, where young men and women are encouraged and discipled by their elders.

Potluck Dinner Theme Schedule

Bring a dish to feed your family plus 1:
1st Sunday - Mexican Food
2nd Sunday - Breakfast Food
3rd Sunday - Italian Food
4th Sunday - Americana Food

For Further Questions

Julie Sanborn, jewls243@gmail.com, 520-449-0791
Michael Sanborn, polcat1996@gmail.com, 520-449-0789