Every Sunday, 9:30am - 10:45pm

9:30 AM - Worship & Small Groups


Identical worship services at 9:30 and 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary.

Plan a Visit

Worship Online


Small Groups

Small Group Bible Study for all ages at 9:30 AM



Infants through Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 1-6 check in upstairs. Use the Children's Entrance, and enter Stair 2 at your immediate right. Once upstairs, take a left all the way down the hall. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Grades 7-12 start in Room 250 and break into small groups from there.

Young Adults

Young Adults ages 18-30 meet in Room 256. (Also available: Fridays at 6:00 PM at 1150 Mountain Laurel Dr, New Braunfels, TX 78132.)


View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).

Senior Adults

Our Senior Adult Groups start with an opening assembly in Rushing Hall before heading to their individual rooms.
9:00 AM - Fellowship Time
9:15-9:25 - A hymn and announcements
9:25-9:30 - Transition to individual rooms
9:30 AM - Small Groups start 

View all small groups here (additional days, times, and locations available).