Welcome to the Children's Ministry of First Baptist New Braunfels!

We desire to lead children and parents to the truth and reality of who God is, who we are compared to God, and the great forgiveness that can only be found through Jesus Christ. He alone can rescue and restore us. We point to Him and His Word as the source of absolute truth and the direction needed to navigate this world and the life He alone has provided and sustains.


Weekly Activities

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Small Groups: 9:30 AM (View small groups for adults here)
Worship: 9:30 & 11:00 AM 

Small Groups

Small Groups for infants through 6th grade meet from 9:30-10:30 Sunday mornings. During this hour the children will hear and experience the Gospel through Bible stories, activities and song. Babies-Kindergarten, check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Grades 1-6, use the Children's Entrance and enter Stair 2 to your right as you enter. Check in upstairs at the Stair 2 landing. Please allow around ten minutes the first time you check in.


Children's activity bags are available at the Welcome Center in the Sanctuary foyer. Childcare is available for infants through four-year-olds during both the 9:30 and 11:00 worship services. Check in just inside the Children's Entrance. Our Nursing Room is also available if you need to feed, rock, or soothe your baby (newborn-eighteen months) while watching a video feed of the worship service. If your children need a little more wiggle room, we also stream the service on a screen in the Sanctuary foyer.

Resumes August 28th
Age 2 - Grade 6
6:00-7:30 PM in Rushing Hall

Family Adventure Club exists to glorify God through equipping & encouraging together as a family unit, so that the gospel may be spread among our children, families may be supported, and the church may be strengthened.

Parents (or aunts, uncles, guardians, grandparents, etc..) and children come to Family Adventure Club together, learn together, and play together.  Everyone stays together as a unit throughout the evening.  This is not a traditional drop-off program.  If you need assistance with your children or have a question about this, please feel free to contact Pastor Doug at

We are here to help serve you and navigate this with you. We have volunteer grandparents and other adults willing to assist those who need extra hands.

Visits are free! To join and order materials*, please register below.
The registration fee is $25 per child (scholarships available).
*Materials include the child's book, collectible pins earned throughout the year, and a family satchel.


2024-25 FAC Schedule


Enroll for biblically-based, age-appropriate education for ages 3 months through 8th grade.

More Information 


Special Events


APR 11-12 - Father Son Campout

APR 18 - Good Friday Remembrance Potluck



Parenting Resources